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US intel report confirms over 140 UFO sightings


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, the U.S. government has encountered more than 140 of what it calls unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), more commonly known as UFOs, according to an unclassified intelligence report released Friday.

Of the 144 such encounters since 2004, just one was identified with high confidence while the others remain a mystery, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) said in a report sent to Congress.

The report offered several possible explanations for the sightings, including airborne clutter, natural atmospheric phenomena, top secret U.S. government programs and foreign adversary systems. But it also left open the door to “other” explanations.

The report offered a rare public accounting of what the government knows and what it doesn’t in an area that has long captured the public imagination, particularly for those seeking signs of extraterrestrial life.

But while UFOs and aliens are sometimes synonymous to the public, the one sighting the U.S. intelligence community was to identify had a much more pedestrian explanation: “a large, deflating balloon,” according to the report.

The nine-page unclassified assessment came at the direction of lawmakers who inserted the requirement for the report into last year’s intelligence authorization bill amid an uptick in UFO sightings by U.S. military aviators.

7 thoughts on “US intel report confirms over 140 UFO sightings

  1. Unexplained advanced technology at the hands of Russia, China, USA or little green men! I am betting China. Although some of the ariel acrobats are out of this world. Examples like pulling over 300 Gs, diving 80,000 feet in one second and traveling 60 miles in seconds. Crazy stuff. Documented by radar, infrared, video and eye witnesses. In one case four airforce officers in the same aircraft witnessed the same phenomenom.

  2. Maybe they can tell us where Rica hid the rest of the the meter $$ haul!

  3. He didn’t hide it he spent it. The village was insured It was covered. Old news ,
    Let’s worry about pickle ball that’s more important.

  4. Has anybody ever offered to buy a house with cash and shown up with quarters?

  5. Lies.

  6. Cover up. From the top. More new about it. It was always done at night so somebody had a cover.

  7. Can you imagine what was going on many years ago before the computer. When everything was just in the ledger book pencil and paper, think about it.

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