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>Giuliani: "Obama Owns Occupy Wall Street"

>Giuliani: “Obama Owns Occupy Wall Street”

by Nick Kalman | November 04, 2011

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani says responsibility for the Occupy Wall Street movement rests squarely on the shoulders of President Obama.

“This is a very dangerous movement, and it’s ironic it’s happening under a president who promised to unify us,” Giuliani said. “Barack Obama owns the Occupy Wall Street movement, it would not have happened but for his class warfare.”

The Occupy Wall Street protests broke out in cities all over the country shortly after president Obama called for tax hikes on the wealthiest Americans. Some of the protests have turned violent. In Oakland, California, more than 100 people were arrested and eight were seriously injured Thursday, with protesters leaving stores in flames, and streets littered with broken glass and debris. A week earlier a former Marine suffered a fractured skull in a confrontation with Oakland police.

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