photos courtesy of the Glen Rock Republican Club
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Glen Rock NJ, Jack Ciattarelli received a very warm welcome from the Glen Rock Republican Club this morning in Bergen County! Glen Rock Republicans hosted Republican nominee for Governor Jack Ciattarelli from 9 am to 11 am .
First we heard of it.
When are Republicans going to learn how to street fight?
When a Democrat gets a sniffle, it’s publicized all over the place.
When there’s an opportunity to do something, the Dems grab it (think vaccination scheduling).
And when late counted absentee ballots “remarkably” turn around the results of an election, nobody even whimpers.
OH, and making foreign policy and virtue signalling is the responsibility of a borough council, sure………
And when you have a police department in turmoil, with one of your detectives committing felonies, the smart thing to do is persecute two good cops for bull…………..
Then you wonder why you got wiped out at election time.
Would have been nice for more people to know about this in advance but it’s difficult to find anything about Jack for Governor events in the mainstream media.
I however knew about this event from reading about it on Jack4NJ.com where a lot of Jack for Governor info can be found.
Vote for Jack!
Seems like the right guy for the job but Ridgewood’s mainstream media-watching, limousine liberals will be casting their predictable D’s.