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Graydon Pool Daily Operations for August 17-Labor Day

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photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, as the summer season of 2021 comes to a close, many of the seasonal employees have already left for college while high school staff will return to their commitments.

This shortage will affect which areas of the facility may be open each day for swimming.  The deep end and diving board T dock will be the first area closed due to the inherent risk it poses as well as how many guards are required for zone coverage.  The next area to close would be the deep water by lifeguard stand 8, followed by 3’s shallow area along Linwood Ave.

Due to staff availability the closure will change day to day.  To make it easier for patrons to know the closures prior to their visit, a sign will be posted in the parking lot at the base of the stairs stating the open sections. We will also be utilizing the flag system out front.  A red flag means the pool is closed, a yellow flag will represent only shallow area swimming, and green represents that there is also deep water swimming.

Patrons may also call the pool to learn what sections are open. The number is 201-670-5500 Ext 7002 for the Pool Manager and Ext 7003 for the Badge office.

The Graydon Pool will be closed for all swimming and beachfront lounging on August 24, and weekdays August 30-September 3.  The facility will reopen for Labor Day weekend.

4 thoughts on “Graydon Pool Daily Operations for August 17-Labor Day

  1. The use of color coded flags and signs to provide updates on pool closures? What next; smoke signals? I guess no one at Parks and Recreation uses a smart phone? How about text messaging, emails, or website posts instead of 1930’s vintage notifications! Geez Louise.

  2. Omg what a mess.

  3. What this shows is seasonal employees are in full control at this location. We cannot have this interruption in any of our departments regarding seasonal employees coming and going. We must have full staffing In all departments .This is the same problem that is recognized every year in yard waste with seasonal employees coming and going. It doesn’t work.

  4. We wonder do they hold separate liability insurance for the pool.

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