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High Density Housing Results in 16 NEW Students for Ridgewood Public Schools So Far

Ridgewood 3 amigos

file photo by Boyd Loving

by the staff of The Ridgewood Blog

We told you so!

Former Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck said “no one with kids would ever consider moving into those buildings,” but she was wrong.

During Monday night’s BOE meeting, Ridgewood Public Schools Superintendent Thomas Gorman told Board members that there are sixteen (16) previously unenrolled students living in the three (3) already open high density buildings.  One (1) building is still under construction.

Hmm.  Ms. Hauck’s mind must have been elsewhere…


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32 thoughts on “High Density Housing Results in 16 NEW Students for Ridgewood Public Schools So Far

  1. That’s nothing….

  2. Yes he said 16 first but then later hr clarified that there are total 19.
    Three moved from other homes into these apartments.
    It’s only 80% occupancy of three developments. The fourth development is not done yet. So wait for all of these to be fully occupied for the final counts.

    But why was Gorman trying to hide the count of 19 and projecting it lower?

    Finally, what happened to Kaufman? He was against this high density development. Is he in Saraceno’s payroll now? Why is he singing their praises?

  3. Are the children in “high density housing” not entitled to an education?

    1. as long as you are willing to pay for new schools, more police and fire, water, sewage, road work . The promoters claimed there would be no impact on the schools ,including the school superintendent and some board members

  4. Aren’t there only two of the four high density buildings occupied now? I though only the Dayton and the Benjamin had residents? Chestnut Village doesn’t appear to have anyone living in it does it? There website has not interior photos and shows it still under construction. If there are residents here, it seems that it is minimal occupancy.

    So it would be 19 students from two developments that are not yet fully occupied??

  5. How are taxes calculated for the new buildings? Since the estimates provided to justify their construction don’t appear to be accurate, shouldn’t the tax assessment be adjusted to account for the additional resource consumption?
    Apartment dwellers need to pay their fair share…

  6. Last I checked these were rental units so they’re basically getting all of the services on the backs of the tax paying residents… i’m sure these developers got some kind of tax abatement to build as well.. there’s nothing wrong with those kids getting an education but there is something wrong with everybody else subsidizing it in the town!

  7. 19 students …big deal

    1. as long as you are willing to pay for new schools, more police and fire, water, sewage, road work . The promoters claimed there would be no impact on the schools ,including the school superintendent and some board members

  8. It’s 2021. We don’t treat renters any different than owners. Haven’t done that in over a century. Most of the time we call each other residents. As far as paying taxes, a share of the rent paid goes to real estate taxes. Let’s stop picking on the new rental units. There are plenty of other rentals in town.

    1. as long as you are willing to pay for new schools, more police and fire, water, sewage, road work . The promoters claimed there would be no impact on the schools ,including the school superintendent and some board members

  9. Step away from the computer and walk around town. You will see Chestnut village has residents moved in and the 80% occupancy of Dayton and Benjamin seems low as there are few/no units available for rent.

  10. Luke Around – I drove past Chestnut Village several times last week and still saw the construction and no residential activity. So that’s why I asked politely (you should check your snotty-nosed tone, it’s unbecoming of someone who must think so highly of themselves). I looked at the websites. I do know that many times a residential community will not list all available units to drive up the “desirability” factor of their factor (I mean, really, who wants to live in a place with 50% occupancy).

  11. The community grows. Why is this a problem? We live in a desirable community. The new units increase the tax base, support local businesses, diversify the types of residents. Things change.

    1. as long as you are willing to pay for new schools, more police and fire, water, sewage, road work . The promoters claimed there would be no impact on the schools ,including the school superintendent and some board members

  12. Sheila Brogan said there would be 3 new students.
    She testified to that.

  13. Everyone should have known this was coming. The advisers claimed they had surveyed the rental units in town. They really meant “unit”. they studied only the building on the corner of Maple and Franklyn, and even that high-rise has kids. Apartments over the stores? NOT. And the garden apartments over on Oak which are full of kids. NO. Or the many sets of one floor apartments through- out town? OF COURSE NOT!! And, just think, the LOW INCOME part of the complexes will have no children? But the “Ridgewood powers that be” probably knew they would never be built as I’ve heard nothing about such construction even being started. Last word I heard is after “the first part” opened for renting. it was said at that time that “the low income housing would be STARTED SOON.”

    if they still try to claim that they “checked all the apartments” check the apartments on Oak for actual content of children against what they “SAY” were there. Make them show you their purported number of children in all the apartments they checked. Print it! You will definitely find a huge discrepancy. Isn’t that illegal? Shouldn’t they be forced to pay what all these EXTRA CHILDREN cost us? They deliberately announced false figures and that should cause some legal trouble for them, and maybe even for the top proper people in Ridgewood who eagerly, and knowingly, encouraged them in their thievery. And we all know that they will NEVER COMPLETE the LOW INCOME because there was no way they could insist that children would not have knowingly been included in that.

  14. 2000 students in RHS. 19 students is less than 1% and even less if u include 2 middle schools and 6 grammar schools. Its a rounding error. Move on.

    1. as long as you are willing to pay for new schools, more police and fire, water, sewage, road work . The promoters claimed there would be no impact on the schools ,including the school superintendent and some board members

  15. Attention attention if you people think this is some thing, you just wait and see. The next big phase will be out of our control and we are speaking about the old Valley Hospital site. If you people think that Valley Hospital is going to maintain the old site for many years to come Think again. Yes by law they have a deal to run the site for about five years. After that guess what they own the property they can sell it they can donate it, give it to the county get it to the state sell to a developer who has billions of dollars the village will never afford to go after a billionaire. They will drag the village through the courts and exhaust millions if you fight against them. The powers at Valley Hospital in the end will win look at the donations of millions of dollars already given to the Town of Paramus already. And many more millions to come. Just think about it what would you do if you were on the site, any financial advisor that’s out there would advise them To sell the land lease the property whatever down the road.

  16. ….and 19 new students is no impact.

    Do you have such a problem with the dozens of other apartment buildings in town? All the ones down Maple or all the condos on Ridgewood Ave? They are renters, too and have many children in their schools as well- in fact, that’s WHY they are so desirable.

    1. as long as you are willing to pay for new schools, more police and fire, water, sewage, road work . The promoters claimed there would be no impact on the schools ,including the school superintendent and some board members

  17. Like we said a few years ago, the shit show is coming to town.

    Now we all can enjoy!!

  18. I attended the hearing at which Sheila Brogan sold us all down the river with absolute lies and was deeply shocked.

  19. I am sorry but all of you who thought that there would really be no/minimum impact to schools regarding new students because some snake oil salesman told you so are simply gullible. Don’t blame the salesmen, they’re there to sell their garbage and move along yet you fall for them and then claim that you were cheated. I can’t wait until you again vote Murphy because he lowered the gas price by 5 cents or when you vote the other snake oil guy because once upon a time you had nice gyro at his restaurant and he said Hi to you. You will probably fall for it again when they tell you that Valley properties will be developed into multifloor hanging gardens of Babylon so you shouldn’t worry about the impact. It is you with your voting habits and stupidity who are killing this town.

  20. Remember – it could have been 450 units vs 250 that was nego’ed down to. Vagianos will get it to 450 and beyond. Just watch.

  21. $400k drain on the budget.

  22. Living the Jersey dream in the blue! Reaping the benefits of the hard working tax paying residents for “hand outs!”

    Ridgewood – the haven for NYers and the northern Montclair.

  23. Gwen…what a whore.
    Disgrace to her entire family.
    Wtf would she sleep with that pig?
    Imagine her ex husband’s reaction.

  24. Gwenn Hauck stated that no families with children would ever live in apartment.

  25. We can’t wait until they turn the old the Valley Hospital into low income housing, This is what’s gonna happen if they keep their border open just let them in. Thanks to the president.

  26. Over 200 units with only 16-19 students… something smells fishy!

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