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Lithium-Ion Battery Fire in Teterboro: Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department Responds

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photos courtesy of the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Teterboro NJ, in the early hours of the morning, on December 16th around 3:00 AM, the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department was dispatched to Industrial Avenue in Teterboro to respond to a fire alarm indicating a potential battery fire inside a building.

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Incident Overview

Upon arrival, Chiefs 60, 61, and 62, along with Engine 2, discovered smoke emanating from the building. After investigating, crews found that a lithium-ion battery had caught fire. Fortunately, workers inside the facility had managed to extinguish the flames before the fire department arrived.

Assistance and Hazmat Response

Given the hazardous nature of lithium-ion batteries, Bergen County Hazmat and Wood-Ridge Fire Department were called to assist with the safe removal of the battery.

Injuries and Safety Measures

One worker sustained injuries during the incident and was transported to Hackensack University Medical Center (HUMC) for treatment. Firefighters remained on the scene for over three hours to ensure the area was safe before allowing workers to re-enter the building.

Lithium-Ion Battery Safety

This incident highlights the dangers of lithium-ion batteries, which are commonly used in many industries but can pose significant fire risks when damaged or improperly handled. Businesses and individuals should take the following precautions:

  • Proper Storage: Store batteries in cool, dry environments away from flammable materials.
  • Regular Inspections: Check for signs of damage, such as swelling or leaking.
  • Fire Preparedness: Have fire extinguishers and safety protocols in place for battery-related incidents.

Community Effort

Thanks to the swift actions of the Hasbrouck Heights Fire Department, County Hazmat, and Wood-Ridge Fire Department, the situation was resolved without further escalation.

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