the staff of The Ridgewood Blog
Ridgewood NJ, we just could not believe that Village Hall employees did not have to report to work today due to inclement weather.
An enormous financial crisis exists, with a huge property tax hike and potential layoffs of Village employees coming, but everyone got a free day off? Huh? For 3-4 inches of snow?
Again, our staff couldn’t make up a scenario like this, even if we tried all day and night.
The “normal“ Village Council strikes again!
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Only in Ridgewood.
Library was open, wasn’t it?
You’ve got to be kidding me?
Privatize every department in there except the police!
Precisely, exactly. YESTERDAY !!
And people want these public sector work-shy do-nothings to run our healthcare system?
Closed due to “inclement weather?” Leaving open the possibility of closing due to rain, wind, heat, cold, etc. A very bad precedent to establish.
It has been called inclement weather since Time Immemorial.
Is the mayor’s restaurant closed as well?
Was the building without power, heat, or water?
Seriously?! Snow day for the entire village hall???
New policy- When schools are closed, VH is closed?
how about no show no pay no holiday
What genius made this decision to have a snow day for 3 inches of snow? We, the taxpayers need to stop this insanity!
That is ridiculous, every other town around was open.. 3 inches of snow, really??
Why the village can’t handle a minor storm. What the hell is going on in town. We know they lost lotta experience but my God who the hell is running. The department of public works. Poor decision making this is what happens when you put individuals in at the pub that has no credentials. Just amazing.
The men were clearing snow. The sanitation workers were collecting garbage. The cops and firefighters were working. Mail was delivered. UPS and FedEx were delivering. All stores were open on Ridgewood Avenue. WTF??? People couldn’t get to Village Hall and spend the day inside working???
Looks like Social Security in Hackensack was closed as well.
What Town Hall shuts down for a few inches of snow?? Were the police, fire and rescue off too?
Where they working home? Remotely . if so, that’s totally fine, and we feel that if an individual is sick and they can do their job from home remotely they should do so they should be allowed. They did so at the coronavirus time .that came from China that Trump told us where it all started.
Don’t blame the employees, they did not make the call to close. Nice work giving Heather the boot, more fun to come?
Who exactly made this decision? They need to be corrected.
Super Angry People Saying Angry Things To Eachother.
The mayor needs to make his rounds to all village departments. It’s a must at 7am . Then he will see the real deal.
The budget doesn’t look good at all. All departments and employees better get ready for layoff. The only thing I can suggest you is try paying your bills off and don’t buy anything. That’s big in dollars. Just in case.
you know what, who is approving all of the spending in the past few years? We have way too many individuals with not old enough experience, and it’s hurting all of us. And that’s across-the-board. I don’t care what anybody says. It shows .