the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Assemblyman Robert Auth from the 39th District took to the airwaves on the Joe Piscopo Show to explain the situation :
Senator Michael Doherty said the current controversy over changes to New Jersey’s sex education curriculum highlights the importance of legislation he has sponsored for nearly a decade to guarantee the fundamental rights of parents to direct their children’s upbringing and education.
“It’s been clear for many years that left-wing groups view our children’s classrooms as a battleground they need to conquer to control the thinking of the next generation,” said Doherty (R-23). “They’re getting bolder in their efforts to hijack and rewrite curriculum standards for children at younger and younger ages in an attempt to normalize their extreme views on gender identity and sexual orientation. Parents from across the political spectrum are finally catching on and they’re standing up to say these efforts to indoctrinate their children are not okay.”
Senator Jim Holzapfel and Assemblymen Greg McGuckin and John Catalano today berated Governor Murphy’s Democrat-led Legislature in Trenton for the “woke” curriculum that elementary school students will find when they crack open their schoolbooks next fall. As the result of legislation passed and signed into law in 2019 and 2021, combined with updated health and physical education standards promulgated by the State Board of Education in 2020, students as young as Kindergarten will role play about gender types and pressure to conform, and by 8th Grade they will learn about vaginal, oral and anal sex.
As Trenton’s assault on parental rights rages on only months before a new, controversial school curriculum standard takes effect, Senator Kristin Corrado is fighting back with the “Parents Bill of Rights Act” she first introduced on Dec. 6, 2021. “With this measure, the educational rights of parents are guaranteed, and family values are protected from government intrusion.”
Senator Ed Durr announced plans to introduce legislation to prohibit classroom instruction by school personnel on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through sixth grade. After sixth grade, schools would be required to inform parents and obtain written consent for any classroom discussion relating to gender identity and sexual orientation. The bill also allows parents to sue for alleged violations, damages, or attorney’s fees. Teachers could be penalized as well for any violations.
Senator Joe Pennacchio today responded to a statement issued by Governor Murphy about New Jersey’s new curriculum standards.
“With all due respect, Governor Murphy is flat out wrong when he accuses Republicans and concerned parents of misrepresenting the new standards,” said Pennacchio (R-26). “Governor, we appreciate you revisiting the issue, but the law says what the law says, and the standards are what the standards are. Blame the Democrats. We’re merely citing the absurdity and impudence of rules that reject the term ‘age appropriate’ and disenfranchise parents in the sexual education of their children.”
Trenton Democrats have defended the controversial new education curriculum standards, claiming parents who object have the opportunity to opt their children out of instructions that conflict with their moral or religious beliefs, but Senator Joe Pennacchio today rejected the rationale.
“The so-called opt-out of the new rules is meaningless, because as the standards state, the specifics of the curriculum can apply to all content areas,” said Pennacchio (R-26). “A parent may be able to opt their child out of health and phys-ed, but the material will be integrated in science, social studies, and English lessons, anyway.
“My message to parents is this: Don’t let them tell you that you can opt out of everything, because you can’t.”