the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Paramus NJ, it’s hard to believe a state could have mishandled COVID patients worse than New York, which sent recovering COVID patients to recuperate in nursing homes, allowing them to spread the sickness to other residents, and then fudged the numbers showing how many people died.
New Jersey led by Governor Phil Murphy may yet top that appalling record. Not only did Governor Phil Murphy’s health director also send highly infectious patients into nursing homes despite clear warnings, but the state will now have to shell out $53 million – $445,000 per family to the families whose loved ones died in two state-run veterans homes in 2020.
A federal civil rights investigation found that staff at the two homes resisted wearing face masks in the early stages of COVID. The homes had previously been accused of failing to implement infection prevention measures.
To make matters worse, the Wall Street Journal has reported that eight of the nine senior managers at New Jersey’s veterans homes who were ineligible for COVID hazard pay received it anyway.
Governor Murphy’s appalling record on COVID deaths was a key reason he won only 51 percent in his re-election bid last month. It’s a shame that the full story of the negligence of his administration wasn’t made public before voters went to the polls.
There were a few outlets exposing the scumbag Murphy and his Covid nursing home scandal prior to the election but most of the corrupt media was running interference for this “woke” slime ball, ego maniac, short tempered, liar Murphy. He would have lost big if the media did its job and more people would have known of his disgraceful Covid nursing home decisions (which he has NEVER manned up to. He still avoids talking about it).
In any case this piece of garbage excuse for a governor won by a very narrow 51/49 and he knows that he is despised by at least half the voters of NJ.
He’s deep in the Biden buddy club and with Biden/Harris underwater in approval in NJ Murphy further knows he’s thought of as a total creep.
You missing the point the aging division of the state should have told Murphy that his decision was very bad this problem indicates a defective state aging division; Murphy doesn’t know anything about science or any of the other government officials which why the death rate in NJ is in the thousands; tge medical field of gerontology is dead in NJ and you wonder why old people are dying!
I hope this is the first of many lawsuits
I also hope at some point Murphy gets charged criminally.
His mandates killed people
The taxpayers are footing the bill not Murphy.