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Ridgewood Schools Alternative Schedules Initiative Community Presentation

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November 29, 2021

Dear Ridgewood Public Schools Community,

As part of the Alternative Schedules Initiative, the District is investigating new K-12 schedule options, as well as alternative start and end times. Research by the American Academy of Pediatrics, as well as other well-documented studies, indicates that a later start time for adolescents helps align their circadian rhythms resulting in improved physical health, academic performance, safety, and overall wellbeing. Given our commitment to nurturing the development of the whole child, we believe we would be remiss if we did not examine the current structure of our school day and consider potential adjustments that reflect these data.

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Ridgewood Board of Education approves new administrators


Ridgewood Board of Education approves new administrators

JUNE 27, 2014    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2014, 2:46 PM

The school board voted on Monday to move forward with hiring new administrators under the condition that Superintendent Daniel Fishbein research whether teacher evaluations qualify as unfunded mandates from the state.

A lengthy Board of Education (BOE) discussion resulted in a 4-1 vote, with trustee Christina Krauss as the lone dissenter.

Fishbein spoke of the long-standing need to replace the administrators let go in 2010 when deep budget cuts set in, but to some BOE members that argument paled in comparison to what they believe is the real issue: increased workloads from the state-required evaluations.

Because of the state- mandated transition to a new evaluation system, administrators’ teacher evaluation “events” have increased from 44 to 109, Fishbein told the board at a previous meeting. But, he emphasized, Ridgewood has fewer administrators when compared to other districts and the need for new hires predates the evaluations.

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Readers Question Dr Fishbeins push to increase Beauracracy


Readers Question Dr Fishbeins push to increase Beauracracy

Removing middle managers was a good fiscal move. Painful, but they are gone. Best to let it alone. Three more is plenty.

This is a town of 25,000, not 25,000,000. We can’t afford to replace them now–the logic is very thin. These salaries, benefits, and pensions are very high.

Is Dr. Fishbein looking to list more underlings on his CV when job hunting in Connecticut?

Please…DO WITHOUT.TaylorMade R1 Driversshow?id=mjvuF8ceKoQ&bids=205477

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Ridgewood school board trustees question adding administrators


Ridgewood school board trustees question adding administrators

MAY 16, 2014    LAST UPDATED: FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2014, 12:31 AM

Administrative work is rising, but so are district costs and taxes.

Because of this Catch-22, some Board of Education (BOE) members are at odds over a proposal, made by Superintendent Daniel Fishbein at last Monday’s BOE meeting, to hire two new administrators to supervise science and special education.

Ultimately, Fishbein wants to reinstate all seven administrative positions lost during budget cuts several years ago. This would include the two positions proposed for next year, two that would be proposed for 2015-2016 and the three administrators hired last year: Ryan Kenny, the new technology manager; Dara Gronau, supervisor of English for grades 6-12; and Jean-Anne O’Neill, supervisor of elementary education. All three receive a salary of $130,000.

BOE trustee Jim Morgan said he believes that the district is operating successfully without the additional administrators, who would add fixed costs to the already-tight budget. Morgan noted that in recent years, when the superintendent has presented the district’s proposed budgets, he has highlighted Ridgewood’s relatively high number of students per administrator while emphasizing Ridgewood’s relatively low costs per student, in comparison to other similar districts’ costs.

“I have serious reservations about the proposal,” Morgan said. “First is the funding. These two positions, which were envisioned last year, were not included in the budget. We’ve spent no time explaining to the community why we want to expand the administrative ranks by two people, which will cost us in excess of $300,000 a year.

“I don’t really fully understand the need,” he said. “We’re continuing to highly perform.”

Fishbein, who proposed to pay for the positions with “breakage” (the differential between the costs of a more highly paid retiring employee and a new hire), justified the positions by pointing to rising administrative work.