from RidgewoodRightToVote
Dear fellow resident,
Recently, you may have received an email from the Ridgewood Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Fishbein, in regard to a court action taken by him on behalf of the Ridgewood Board of Education. Unfortunately, that letter did not give an accurate and complete description of what he is doing or the repercussions to the community should he succeed in court.
Dr..Fishbein has entered the BOE into a costly legal battle with the County and State in order to challenge a state law, thus further extending the terms of current BOE trustees. The four current BOE trustees that support this have already had their terms extended by 6 1/2 months as a result of the BOE decision in 2013 to move our school elections from April to November. This lawsuit, paid for with your tax dollars meant for education, not only seeks to extend their terms for a second time, it would, if they win, create the opportunity for them to continually extend their terms of office simply by opting to change the date of school elections each year, or in select years to preserve particular trustees’ positions..