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After the Council Elections are over, we will have to take back the Ridgewood Board of Education


April 24,2018

Take Back Ridgewood

Ridgewood NJ, form the Facebook page Take Back Ridgewood , After the council elections are over, we will have to take back board of education from Brogan, Lancto and Wilson.
Here is a post from resident Dan Creed.

I am told that the BOE has decided to not spend $755k on windows after all. I guess the windows weren’t as dangerous as once thought.

Unfortunately, instead of staying under the state cap of 2%, the BOE is planning on keeping the $755k in the budget and do other projects with the money.
So let’s be crystal clear here- we are not going over the state cap because of benefit costs, we are going over the cap because the BOE wants to stick pork in the budget for projects.
In November, the BOE will come to the voters with somewhere between a $60-90 million bond referendum for more projects. My rough math is this will add another $6-7 million per year onto the BOE budget for decades to come.
Bottom line is that if you like our 4% increase this year, get ready for another 5-8% next year. My math might not be exact, but it is not too far off.

Let’s remember, there is a 1% increase for regular education…that’s right, 1%. There is precious little in the budget that adds incremental resources to educational outcomes.
The BOE and the Trustees Brogan, Loncto, and Wilson currently support the budget as presented. Please see the link below if you wish to email them.