Assisted living may soon be allowable use in Ridgewood redevelopment area
MARCH 20, 2014 LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 2014, 4:39 PM
The North Walnut Street Redevelopment Area, including the long-vacant Town Garage on Franklin Avenue and an adjoining parking lot, is a “dead zone” and the “back alley” of Ridgewood’s downtown, according to some Planning Board members. But Ridgewood may be one step closer to improving it.
The board on Tuesday approved Village Planner Blais Brancheau’s recommendations to update the North Walnut Street Redevelopment Plan.
The current plan was prepared in 2007, after the village formally adopted a resolution designating the area as “in need of redevelopment.” It includes several objectives for the area, including the establishment of a parking garage and retail space (which may be incorporated into the garage structure).
The Planning Board has now made new recommendations for the plan, partly in response to a developer’s proposal this past summer, which suggested that the area would be a good site for an assisted-living facility. That proposal piqued interest in the village, but the North Walnut Street Redevelopment Plan does not currently allow for an assisted-living use.
– See more at: https://www.northjersey.com/towns/assisted-living-may-soon-be-allowable-use-in-ridgewood-redevelopment-area-1.746971#sthash.nMEpOgPb.dpuf