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Gas Station Owners Say Monmouth Poll Proves New Jersey Wants Choice at the Pump

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Sal Risalvato, Executive Director of the New Jersey Gasoline, C-Store, Automotive Association made the following statement in response to the release of a new opinion poll from Monmouth University showing that 54% of New Jersey residents support allowing for the option of self-serve gas when full-serve is guaranteed to remain.

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Gas Tax Increase Hurts First Responders , Small businesses and Essential Workers


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Sal Risalvato, Executive Director of the New Jersey Gasoline, Convenience, Automotive Association (NJGCA) issued the following statement regarding the Treasury’s announcement that the tax on gasoline and diesel motor fuel will be increased by 9.3¢ a gallon starting on October 1st:

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New York Cheers Administration Decision to Raise NJ Gas Tax Again!

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, “Increasing the tax on gas and diesel by 4.3¢ a gallon is simply too much, too fast. While we understand and are accepting of the need for some type of increase in order to keep the Transportation Trust Fund solvent, this dramatic of a tax increase will hurt small businesses, families, and ultimately drive fuel sales even lower, creating the need for further excessive tax increases over the next several years” said NJGCA Executive Director Sal Risalvato.

Continue reading New York Cheers Administration Decision to Raise NJ Gas Tax Again!