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Bergen County Historical Society (BCHS) School of Interpretation & Volunteer Meeting : The Steenrapie (River Edge) Encampment of 1780

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photo courtesy of BCHS
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

New Bridge landing NJ, As one of the major events of Bergen’s Revolutionary War history, the Steenrapie Encampment brought the American army to present day River Edge and Oradell, and forever tied Washington himself to New Bridge Landing. Join author, military historian, and BCHS Past President Todd Braisted for his presentation on the history, legends, and luminaries that became part of Bergen County in September 1780.

For anyone interested in volunteering at Historic New Bridge Landing events as a docent, greeter, operations personnel, or living-history interpreter in period dress, the Bergen County Historical Society sponsors the School of Interpretation to hone communication skills, familiarize volunteers with Bergen’s unique history, give insight into the material culture of the past, and train volunteers in historical presentation. It also provides an opportunity for prospective participants to ask questions and learn about volunteering with BCHS. Please meet in the Steuben House (the house nearest the bridge), 1209 Main St, River Edge, NJ. No charge.

Bergen County Historical Society (BCHS) School of Interpretation & Volunteer Meeting
Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 7:30 p.m.
Topic: The Steenrapie (River Edge) Encampment of 1780