file photo by Boyd Loving
September 19,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood blog has received the following email from Tony Damiano of the Ridgewood Guild . It’s odd though no one ever made such a big deal over the “traffic easing ” which greatly reduced the inflow of traffic into the Ridgewood’s central business district. No one also ever brought up these objection with the Hudson Parking Garage . Funny how best estimates would put many Ridgewood CBD stores under great duress during the construction period .
Subject: Re: fr: Tony Damiano re: PSEG Update
I understand that. What I was referring to was the the recent dialogue from yesterday.
What you are telling me only makes the situation worse. Now I am shocked that the Council knew about this as far back as May and never communicated with The Ridgewood Guild or the business community. At the “wonderful” meeting that took place on Tuesday of this week at the Chamber office, again, nothing was mentioned. The Chamber of Commerce wasn’t even notified. I spoke with Joan Groom yesterday. I thought Council learned about the project a couple of weeks ago. Now you are telling me this was on the table back in May or June and none of us knew???
While I have your ear. I am very disappointed that I cannot be a part of your new Downtown Committee. I know I would have been a great asset, a historian so to speak, on what works and what may not. As I stated at the July meeting and at Wednesday night’s meeting, I need to know who the resident committee members are. It seems Susan is micro-managing the choices. Allegedly, Lorrainne Reynolds and Amy Borque have been selected. I am curious to know who the other 3 are. You need a good mix of people on this committee in order for it to succeed. Committee members who have different points of view, but can work amicably together. These 2 people are huge supporters of Susan’s. Lorraine said she would support the Hudson St. garage if it were taken down a level. Amy formed for Save Ridgewood group and opposed the residential complexes. She is lovely, but I’m afraid to say that this is a conflict of interest. Her family owns a residential complex just on our border. I know Philip Davis is representing the Chamber. He will, no doubt contribute, however he has only been in town for 2 years. Gary Kolsaire is the right choice. His business has been in town a number of years. Also, please do your homework before speaking. At the July meeting you suggested bringing the Christmas tree to the park. You will need to further investigate that one. That created a backlash that business owners and residents are still talking about.
You say you are working to support the business community. Here are 3 examples of how you are not…
1) You have swept the parking deck under the rug, not having it on the past 2 Council Meeting Agendas, even though the past Mayor, past Deputy Mayor, past Councilwoman, Assistant Village Manager, president of The Ridgewood Guild, current president, and 3 past presidents of The Chamber of Commerce, all f which are considered “Community Leaders” were in favor of it. Much time, effort and money was spent listening to professionals and consultants regarding design, financial reports, (which were approved by our Council appointed Financial Committee), and a professional traffic consultant. While I’m on the subject, is it true you have assigned another traffic consultant who is not certified to do, and yet another study?
2) You didn’t inform us of the PSEG work that will greatly effect 4th Quarter.
3) Rumor has it that the Council is looking to raise the parking meters to $.75 an hour.
Best………………..Tony Damiano – President