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The New Jersey Business Coalition Urges Gov. Murphy, Lawmakers to Use Federal Funds to Alleviate Massive Tax Increase on Business

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, The New Jersey Business Coalition this week sent a letter to Gov. Phil Murphy and the Legislature urging the state of New Jersey to apply federal recovery money currently available to replenish the state’s Unemployment Insurance (UI) Trust Fund, as many other states have done.

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Why Is the Murphy Administration Hiding $6.3 billion in federal relief funds it Received?

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, For the second time in less than two weeks, Senator Declan O’Scanlon’s laser-targeted questioning during Senate budget hearings revealed damning insight into the Murphy Administration.

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Murphy’s Budget Balloon is Full of Hot Air & Ready to Pop


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Middletown NJ,  Assemblyman Gerry Scharfenberger (R-Monmouth) criticizes Governor Phil Murphy’s latest budget proposal as the state’s economy continues to sink further in the wake of unrelenting lockdown measures, colossal borrowing plans, and lack of effective cost saving applications pushing New Jersey ever so closer to Depression era fallout:

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