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The Iconic WPIX Yule Log: A Timeless Holiday Tradition

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Few Christmas traditions are as cherished in New York City as the WPIX Yule Log. For decades, this festive broadcast has warmed hearts and homes, making it a staple for holiday celebrations. And this year, the tradition continues in its full glory.

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A Complete Unknown: Bob Dylan Biopic Hits North Jersey Theaters Christmas Day

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paterson NJ, A Complete Unknown, the highly anticipated Bob Dylan biopic, hits North Jersey theaters starting Christmas Eve, offering fans a chance to immerse themselves in the folk legend’s early career. While the film is set in New York’s East Village, many scenes were filmed across North Jersey, giving Garden State viewers a unique connection to the movie.

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Watch George Washington’s Annual Delaware River Crossing

George Washington

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington Crossing Park NJ, the annual Christmas Day crossing will take place from 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm on Saturday, December 25, 2021 (actual crossing at approximately 1:00 pm). The Christmas Day crossing is free, and it is recommended that visitors arrive before 1:00 pm to ensure a good place along the viewing line.

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Dead Whale Beached at Barnegat Light

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photos courtesy of Marine Mammal Stranding Center
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Barnegat NJ,  the Marine Mammal Stranding Center team  reported an examination of the humpback whale that washed a shore at Barnegat Light. This is the same carcass that had previously washed up dead in the surf in Loveladies on 12/24, however the tide pulled the carcass back out, the carcass later coming to rest at Barnegat Light on Christmas Day. Samples and measurements were taken, and only a partial necropsy was able to be performed due to the advanced decomposition of the partially frozen carcass. The male humpback whale was 32 feet in length, and estimated to be approximately 2-3 years old.

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Power Outages Darken Willard School Area in Ridgewood on Christmas Day

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file photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood

Ridgewood NJ, according to Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen PSEG is aware of the outages in Ridgewood and have dispatched all available crews in the field. PSEG has also mobilized additional PSEG crews from central NJ to assist in the area. Please email if you have any immediate concerns

The Ridgewood blog is hearing the power outages are mostly confined to the Willard school area . The ETA in the Willard area is either tomorrow morning or Sunday morning.

According to resident Tony Loving , “Exxon station on Maple Avenue at the Glen rock border with Ridgewood is open”  if you need gas for a generator .
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Valley Hospital in Ridgewood sees 14 patients in the emergency room with injuries from the motorized boards on Christmas Day


N.J. Hospital Sees 14 Patients Injured By Motorized Boards On Christmas Day Alone

January 2, 2016 4:13 PM

RIDGEWOOD, N.J. (CBSNewYork/AP) — A New Jersey hospital saw 14 patients on Christmas Day alone who were injured by motorized, self-balancing, two-wheel scooters.

As WCBS 880’s Stephanie Colombini reported Saturday, the Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, New Jersey saw 14 patients in the emergency room with injuries from the motorized boards on Christmas Day.

The hospital said it has seen a handful of additional injuries related to the motorized boards since.

Most of the injuries were caused by people falling off the boards, the report said.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission urged riders to wear the same safety gear with the motorized boards that they would use if they were on a traditional skateboard – including helmets, elbow and knee pads, and wrist guards.

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PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Gaze up into the sky and you’ll see something rare. And, no, it won’t be Santa. He and his reindeers will have already zoomed across the horizon.

On Christmas Day, there will be a full moon, the first since 1977. It will reach its peak at 6:11 a.m. EST.

This full moon, the last one for 2015, is called a Full Cold Moon because it happens during the start of winter. Of course “cold” is relative these days. On the balmy U.S. East Coast, some people will be tempted to celebrate the holiday in shorts and flip flops, more like Hawaiians.

NASA has a spacecraft currently orbiting the Earth’s moon. Its Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter mission has been investigating the moon’s surface since 2009. The space agency says the mission has collected a “treasure trove of data” and is “making an invaluable contribution to our knowledge about the moon.”

A full moon on Christmas won’t happen again until 2034, nearly two decades from now, NASA said. So, unless you have a very good memory, you might want to look up at the sky on Friday and marvel at the moon’s magnificence