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Car Hits Storefront on Route 17 North in Paramus

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, No injuries were reported following the crash of a 4-door sedan into the storefront of Capitol Lighting, 75 Route 17 North, Paramus on Tuesday evening, 11/27. According to Paramus Police Chief Kenneth Ehrenberg, who was on the scene, the sedan’s adult female driver lost control of her vehicle while attempting to make a U turn in the parking lot. The crash impact caused moderate damage to the building’s façade and scattered several lighting fixtures about a small area of the store’s interior. A Borough of Paramus building inspector was summoned to evaluate the structure’s integrity. The damaged vehicle was removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck.

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Tractor Trailer Rollover Impacts Christmas Shoppers Using Route 17 and Route 4

Tractor Trailer Rollover Impacts Christmas Shoppers Using Route 17 and Route 4

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page
Tractor Trailer Rollover Impacts Christmas Shoppers Using Route 17 and Route 4
December 22,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, A flatbed tractor trailer carrying building materials rolled over on Route 4 Westbound after exiting the ramp from Route 17 Southbound on Thursday morning, 12/22. The truck driver was uninjured in the mishap. Local lanes of Route 4 Westbound were closed between Route 17 Southbound and the Garden State Parkway until the scene was cleared of the wrecked vehicle and debris. Response by Paramus PD, Paramus EMS, Bergen County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Division, NJ State Police, and NJDOT.

Paramus Police :The ramp from route 17 south to route 4 west is closed. Local lanes of Route 4 westbound will be closed, at route 17.Local lanes of Route 4 westbound will be closed until further 3:30 pm.

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