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The Script Flips on Russian Collusion and the Clintons


October 26,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, looks like we are finally getting to the real Russian collusion scandal and Republicans on Capitol Hill have launched several investigations Tuesday into an Obama-era deal with Russia, during which the U.S. sold uranium, a key component to developing nuclear weapons, to its on-and-off adversary, despite a discovery by the FBI into a Russian bribery plot.The sale in 2010 allowed for the transfer of the Canadian mining company Uranium One to Russia’s Rosatom nuclear company, giving the Russians control of part of the uranium supply in the U.S.

The Uranium One deal was featured in the movie ,Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich.

These revelations come just as key congressional panels open new probes into the still-smoking debris of last year’s election, the revelation that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid as much as $9 million for the discredited Russian dossier on Donald Trump flips the collusion script on its head.

The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the dossier. The news has created a problem for Democrats, as the report shows the Democratic presidential campaign funded a foreign spy’s opposition research — an accusation similar to complaints that Democrats have brought against Trump’s campaign.

The hoax dossier compiled for the opposition research firm Fusion by GPS British spy Christopher Steele.The dossier contains a series of lewd and fallacious allegations about the president’s personal life and detailed deep financial ties between Trump and high-ranking Russian officials.

The finding also raises the possibility that the dossier is what led the Obama White House to unmask and snoop on members of Trump’s team, and leak the names to the anti-Trump media in a bid to help Clinton win election.

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Reader says with the Clintons its another case of “to big to fail”

Democratic presidential candidate U

The Clinton’s are absolutely crooks. The only reason why she had the private server created was to simply keep the financial deals where access and preferential Government treatment was sold to the highest bidders. The reason the decision was made by the FBI was down to pressure from above. To recommend charges would have created all kinds of political problems. Basically, it was a case of too big to fail. This will probably hurt her by costing her a few votes, but she will still make it to the WH due to blind loyalty from women, Democrats, and most of all, the mainstream media.

This has to be the lowest point in any run-up to a Presidential election.