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Glen Rock Police : COMMUNITY SAFETY ALERT PLEASE – Lock Your Vehicle, Home, Garage & Sheds

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glenn Rock NJ, Communities in this region, including Glen Rock are being targeted by thieves seeking out unlocked vehicles, garages and sheds. Some drivers will often leave the key fob in their vehicle when they park, leaving the vehicles vulnerable as thieves need only press a start button for ignition. These are the specific individuals who are being targeted. In the past 3 months 4 vehicles have been stolen from driveways in Glen Rock overnight. In all cases the owners left the key-fobs and other valuables in their vehicles. In addition, many have reported property stolen from their unlocked garages, sheds and vehicles. Most often this occurs on quiet side streets where the thieves were able to sneak onto the property in the dark, hiding in the shadows, checking for unlocked doors when no one is in sight.

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