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Polls Give Congressman Andy Kim Commanding Lead in Democrtic Primary Race for US Senate

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Moorstown NJ, with less than six months before the primary election  to determine the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in New Jersey, a new extensive poll shows that Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03) remains the strongest candidate in the race with Democratic primary voters.

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Congressman Andy Kim Takes Heat from Veterans Groups over Anti Military “The Protection of Civilians in Conflict Caucus”

181114 andy kim new jersey congress election cs 318p b9dffa84b3b5f7085b6de8baa19ae381

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Moorestown  NJ, in response to news this week that incumbent Congressman Andy Kim was one of several Democrats launching “The Protection of Civilians in Conflict Caucus”, combat veterans Assemblyman Brian Bergen (R-Morris) and Marine Corps Major Nick De Gregorio all slammed incumbent Democrat Andy Kim for what they called “a direct and disrespectful assault on the character and decency of U.S. military men and women.”

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Kate Gibbs, Republican candidate for Congress Blasts Congressman Kim for His refusal to label Qassem Soleimani a Terrorist



the staff of the Ridgewod blog

BURLINGTON COUNTY NJ, Kate Gibbs, Republican candidate for Congress in New Jersey’s Third Congressional District, released the following statement Tuesday morning:

“If anyone needed more proof that Congressman Andy Kim is far-left fanatic masquerading as a centrist, his refusal to call Qasem Soleimani a terrorist and flat out refusal to label Soleimani’s cold-blooded murder of U.S. troops as terrorism — because he’s ‘not an attorney’ — should leave no doubt. Forget politics; as an American, I am outraged.

Continue reading Kate Gibbs, Republican candidate for Congress Blasts Congressman Kim for His refusal to label Qassem Soleimani a Terrorist