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No, Black Lives Don’t Matter to Bill and Hillary Clinton — Especially Haitian Ones

Haitian earthquake

by JEROME HUDSON27 Jul 2016508

Despite what the Mothers of the Movement believe, black lives don’t matter to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Just ask the Haitians who’ve spent years trashing the Clinton’s for screwing them over and turning the tragic earthquake that rocked the tiny Caribbean country in 2010 into a lucrative venture for their closest allies.

Indeed, in the wake of the earthquake in Haiti — while 316,000 lifeless bodies lay buried under rubble, and while 300,000 Haitians suffered from injuries, with another 1.3 million displaced — Hillary Clinton’s family and monied cronies cashed in on the back of the tragedy-stricken Caribbean country.

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The Billionaire Whose Clinton Foundation Ties Could Be Trouble for Hillary Clinton

Frank Giustra

Frank Giustra is the latest plutocrat to fall under the ex-president’s spell.

Like countless people before him, Frank Giustra’s first meeting with Bill Clinton was a life-altering event indelibly etched in his memory. “We hit it off right away,” Giustra recalls. “We hit it off for a whole number of reasons. We had a very similar upbringing. We had similar interests in books. Pretty soon, we were having a great conversation. I think he liked me.”

Giustra was experiencing the famous Clinton connection, the tractor beam of personal magnetism that Clinton has deployed to pull people into his orbit since his earliest days in Arkansas. Back then, they were people like Mack McLarty, the well-to-do kindergarten classmate who became Clinton’s first White House chief of staff, and Jim McDougal, the local banker and real estate investor who was the Clintons’ partner in the Whitewater land deal and eventually wound up in jail. In Arkansas the stakes were comparatively small. Clinton had little money, and his admirers didn’t have a whole lot more. Today, in his post-presidency, Clinton has built up a multibillion-dollar family foundation with a global reach. He may soon be back in the White House. The people he solicits are the sort who gravitate to Davos, not Little Rock—people like Frank Giustra.

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Gottheimer Caught Yet Again with another Image Manipulation

Mayor Ghassali ,with Josh

ANOTHER Gottheimer Image Manipulation; Independent Mayor Can No Longer Stay Silent

November 5,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  In spite of the fact that Josh Gottheimer’s campaign is under fire with the New Jersey Attorney General and the US Attorney for forging government documents, Gottheimer has been caught ONCE AGAIN manipulating images in an attempt to mislead Fifth District voters.

Friday afternoon, Gottheimer posted an image on Facebook that appeared to suggest Montvale Mayor Mike Ghassali was supporting his campaign efforts. But in reality, Mayor Ghassali wasn’t posing with Gottheimer in an effort to support his campaign. Ghassali and Gottheimer were pictured together at an event for His Eminence Mor Dionysius John Kawak.

Ghassali was livid at this manipulation, and as a result, felt he could no longer stay silent on his views on this election. He not only endorsed Congressman Garrett – Ghassali campaigned with Garrett in MontvaleSaturday afternoon.

“As a politically independent mayor, I resent any attempt to misrepresent my appearance at a public event as somehow an endorsement of Josh Gottheimer,” said Ghassali. “ I’ve known Scott Garrett for many years and he’s an honest and trustworthy public servant.  I know and share his conservative principles and support his reelection to Congress in the 5th Congressional District.”

Gottheimer is a liar who has repeatedly shown – this week alone! – that he can’t be trusted to tell Fifth District voters the truth.

Below is the manipulated image that appeared on Gottheimer’s facebook page on Friday afternoon:

8CE0C73E 1669 4067 BD92 0AE188B5D4DB

Below is the original image:

E41C630B C193 4B21 95E8 6B0CD5CA8FCB

Earlier this week, it was discovered that the Gottheimer campaign had violated both state and federal laws including 18 U.S.C. 1001 (false or fraudulent statement or document within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch of the Government of the United States), 18 U.S.C. 912 (impersonating any department or agency of the U.S.), §2C:21-1 (forgery) and §2C:21-4 (falsifying or tampering with records).

New Jersey Attorney General Christopher Porrino and U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman have been alerted to Gottheimer’s illegal actions.

Gottheimer’s campaign admitted his forgery to the Star-Ledger: “An official with the Gottheimer campaign confirmed that it had produced the ad and manipulated the image.”

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THE BERGEN RECORD CONFIRMS: No Garrett Tax – And Debunks Other Gottheimer Lies

Gottheimer failed to pay his personal property taxes

November 5,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

 Hackensack NJ,  Josh Gottheimer is running a campaign based on name-calling and lies – don’t take our word for it – The Record’s exhaustive fact check exposes Gottheimer’s falsehoods and fabrications.

  • THE RECORD: Garrett Tax Charges Are A Gottheimer Lie: “Garrett has not voted to raise taxes, according to Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform, a group that urges public officials to pledge not to raise taxes and tracks whether they follow the pledge. Norquist said that arguing that opposing spending somehow raises taxes is “too weird for words.” (Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, The Record, 11/4/2016)
  • THE RECORD: Garrett Supports 9/11 Responders: “Garrett responded with his own ad featuring firefighters, one of whom is a Republican state legislator who contributed to Garrett’s campaign, accusing Gottheimer of telling an “outright lie.” (Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, The Record, 11/4/2016)
  • THE RECORD: Gottheimer “assaulted” neighbor and “bought her silence.” “Gottheimer ‘aggressively intimidated and assaulted’ a woman who lived in a Washington, D.C., building where Gottheimer was condo association board president.” (Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, The Record, 11/4/2016)
  • THE RECORD: Gottheimer failed to pay his personal property taxes. “Gottheimer “failed to pay his property taxes on the same luxury DC condo six times.” [Gottheimer] “paid the amount due, $2,433 including interest and penalties, in January.” (Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, The Record, 11/4/2016)
  • THE RECORD: Gottheimer supports “outrageous Washington spending.” “Gottheimer supported spending millions of tax dollars on studies to determine “if a bumblebee is hairier than a squirrel, to monitor shrimp on a treadmill, and wine-tasting parties in India.” (Garrett vs. Gottheimer: Fact-checking North Jersey’s rough ‘n’ tumble 5th Congressional race, The Record, 11/4/2016)
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BREAKING: Gottheimer Fraud Flagged for NJ AG and US Attorney Investigation

Josh Gottheimer
November 4,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ, The Attorney General Christopher Porrino and U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman have been formally notified of Josh Gottheimer’s deliberate and fraudulent alteration of a government document by the Office of Congressional Ethics in a desperate attempt to mislead the public.

The actions by the Gottheimer campaign violated both state and federal laws including 18 U.S.C. 1001 (false or fraudulent statement or document within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch of the Government of the United States), 18 U.S.C. 912 (impersonating any department or agency of the U.S.), §2C:21-1 (forgery) and §2C:21-4 (falsifying or tampering with records).

Gottheimer’s campaign admitted his forgery to the Star-Ledger: “An official with the Gottheimer campaign confirmed that it had produced the ad and manipulated the image.”

Yesterday, the billboards propping up the lies from the Gottheimer campaign were swiftly pulled.

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Report: Indictment ‘likely’ in FBI’s Clinton Foundation probe


By Nikita Vladimirov

Two sources within the FBI told Fox News on Wednesday that the investigation of the Clinton Foundation is likely to lead to an indictment.

Fox News’s Bret Baier said Wednesday that the FBI probe into a possible pay-to-play scheme between Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation has been going on for over a year.

Sources told the news network that the investigation, which is conducted by the White Collar Crime division of the FBI, is a “very high priority.”

One source further stated that the bureau collected “a lot of” evidence, adding that “there is an avalanche of new information coming every day.”

Baier also said that the Clinton Foundation probe is more expansive than previously thought, and that many individuals have been interviewed several times throughout the course of the investigation.

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BREAKING: Gottheimer Admits to Federal Crime of Falsifying Federal documents

Joshua S

November 3,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackensack NJ,  Yesterday, Rep. Scott Garrett held a press conference to call out Democrat challenger Josh Gottheimer forforging government documents.

In this fast-breaking story ,Democrat Gottheimer admitted his deceit to the Star Ledger: “An official with the Gottheimer campaign confirmed that it had produced the ad and manipulated the image.”

Falsifying government documents is a federal crime under 18 U.S. Code § 912.

Cease and desist letters were delivered to New Jersey broadcast stations overnight, but Josh now has more to worry about than simply taking television ads down – these actions fall squarely in the jurisdiction of Hillary Clinton’s new friends, the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


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Garrett Calls Out Gottheimer Over Forged Government Documents Used in Ad

Gottheimer fake doc

Garrett Files cease and desist to stop Gottheimer’s lying ads

November 3,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Hackebnsack NJ, Rep. Scott Garrett held a press conference to call out Democrat challenger Josh Gottheimer for forging government documents. Garrett for Congress legal counsel is drafting a cease and desist order to stop Josh Gottheimer’s broadcast of lies where he falsely claims that Congressman Garrett is under investigation by the Office of Congressional Ethics. The document depicted in this ad is completely falsified and was created by Josh Gottheimer to perpetuate lies about Garrett. Again.

Fact sheet

Forged document created by Josh Gottheimer’s campaign

(Click Here to View Livestream of Press Conference)

Congressman Scott Garrett’s remarks, as prepared for delivery:

Thank you everyone for coming today. My opponent’s campaign has been devoid of policy discussions but full of name-calling. He has run a campaign of vitriol and nastiness. And now we have proof that he has run a campaign of deceit and lies.

An advertisement that was produced, paid for, and approved by Josh Gottheimer features a document that his campaign falsified. You might have seen the television advertisement that prominently says “Breaking News: Scott Garrett Under Investigation.”

Gottheimer then features a letter on the screen with a supposed investigation on the letterhead of the Office of Congressional Ethics. The only problem is, this document doesn’t actually exist. Josh falsified it, he forged it.

I have never received a letter from the Office of Congressional Ethics about an investigation—ever. And this isn’t a claim or an allegation, it’s a fact.

Josh created a fake government document so he could spread more lies.

This is a disgusting abuse of the influence he has as someone running for public office. My campaign is sending a cease and desist letter to televisions stations demanding that they remove this false advertisement immediately. But it shouldn’t have to come to this, Josh should know better.

To clear up how the ethics process works, any outside group or person can send their concerns to the Office of Congressional Ethics who reviews them for validity. If there is any legitimacy to the concerns, the Office of Congressional Ethics can conduct a full investigation, and makes public notice on their website, and sends a letter notifying the Member of Congress. In 2015, an outside group sent a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics making allegations against numerous House Republicans and Democrats

Not a single one of the allegations against me was ever deemed worthy of review.

Not a single allegation was worth pursuing.

Not a single allegation had any merit.

That was the end of it.

These kind of complaints are filed solely to get headlines and make political points. The exact opposite is true of the allegations against Josh Gottheimer who bought the silence of his victim, the one he assaulted and intimidated in his Washington, DC condo.

To understand why Josh operates the way he does, you have to look at where he came from. You see, in the world of Clinton politics—where Josh got his training—not only do you learn how to destroy documents, you learn how to falsify them too. I understand that there have been a lot of attacks thrown around in this campaign. And that’s because my opponent lacks the depth of policy knowledge that one needs to truly succeed as a leader in Congress.

Instead, he will lie to get what he wants.

So I’m calling on Josh, right here and now, to apologize to everyone he has lied to. Josh Gottheimer has received millions of dollars from his Clinton friends, Nancy Pelosi, and special interests. He should use that money to put an ad up apologizing to the people of New Jersey. Or better yet, how about spending the next six days stuffing envelopes with signed apologies.

As a matter of fact, I’ll give you a head start.

Feel free to come to my office and grab some envelopes to start your letter-writing campaign now.

I know Josh will spin this story by issuing a statement after this event, but here are the questions Josh needs to answer:

  • Why did you lie to the voters?
  • Why did you forge a government document?
  • And why should the people of New Jersey ever trust you again?

Jersey values are not lying or name calling to get power at all costs.

Josh has to answer to the voters about his continuous lies and this forgery.

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Hillary Clinton’s #1 aide Huma Abedin: Undeniable ties to terrorists & 9/11 funders


Hillary’s #1 aide Huma Abedin: Undeniable ties to terrorists & 9/11 funders

Credit: Video, script, animation & voice created by Leaked Uploads.

Amazing that nowhere in the Hillary scandal  articles is the background of Huma Abedin mentioned. If Trump had a KKK’er as his top aide, confidant and body glove, you’d hear of it 24/7. So why is the history of Huma’s and her complete family’s outright membership and involvement in the Muslim Brotherhood being kept a secret from the American voters by the MSM?

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Influence peddling, acting for Putin’s ally, hiding classified secrets and sexting – how FIVE separate FBI cases are probing virtually every one of Clinton’s inner circle and their families


Scale of FBI investigations into Clinton’s closest aides and friends is becoming clear
Besides Huma Abedin,  a swathe of long-time loyalists are at the center of investigations including Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe
John Podesta ran the Clinton Foundation which is under investigation while his brother Tony is also focus of a probe about foreign corruption
Cheryl Mills already received limited FBI immunity during Clinton email investigation – and is key Clinton fixer
String of other names are being looked at or have been caught up in earlier scandals


PUBLISHED: 09:32 EDT, 1 November 2016 | UPDATED: 14:56 EDT, 1 November 2016

The extent to which Hillary Clinton’s key advisers are now the focus of major FBI investigations is becoming clear.

The Clintons’ long-term inner-circle – some of whom stretch back in service to the very first days of Bill’s White House – are being examined in at least five separate investigations.

The scale of the FBI’s interest in some of America’s most powerful political fixers – one of them a sitting governor – underlines just how difficult it will be for Clinton to shake off the taint of scandal if she enters the White House.

There are, in fact, not one but five separate FBI investigations which involve members of Clinton’s inner circle or their closest relatives – the people at the center of what has come to be known as Clintonworld.

The five known investigations are into: Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin’s estranged husband sexting a 15-year-old; the handling of classified material by Clinton and her staff on her private email server; questions over whether the Clinton Foundation was used as a front for influence-peddling; whether the Virginia governor broke laws about foreign donations; and whether Hillary’s campaign chairman’s brother did the same.

The progress of the Clinton Foundation investigation and that into McAuliffe was first reported by the Wall Street Journal.

The FBI does not generally comment on investigations, so it is entirely possible there are more under way.

Here are the advisers and consiglieri – and how the FBI is looking at them

Read more:

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Obama Doesn’t Believe FBI Director Trying to Influence Election With Clinton Email Investigation

130529194838 james comey story top


Oct 31, 2016, 3:33 PM ET

The White House says it will remain neutral regarding the reopening of an investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server, after the discovery of more emails that FBI Director James Comey said may be relevant.

After a letter from Comey to Congress on Friday, which stated that new emails found on a laptop used by Clinton aide Huma Abedin “appear to be pertinent to our investigation,” members of both parties have criticized the timing of the move.

Today the White House declined to state an opinion on Comey’s action.

“I’ll neither defend nor criticize what Director Comey has decided to communicate to the public about this investigation,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in Monday’s press briefing.

In an effort to stay neutral on the topic, Earnest said, the White House will continue to be “scrupulous” in “avoiding even the appearance of political interference” in the investigation entrusted to the Department of Justice and the FBI.

He also said that President Barack Obama doesn’t think Comey is trying to sway the presidential race.

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The FBI says there is no direct connection between Donald Trump and Russia


Chris Sanchez

The FBI says there is no definitive connection between Donald Trump and the Russian government, reaching that conclusion after a wide-ranging investigation that stemmed from concerns about the Republican presidential nominee’s foreign associations.

In a New York Times report published Monday night, the newspaper cited law-enforcement officials who said, if anything, the cyberattacks that US intelligence agencies suspect Russia of carrying out against Democratic Party organizations were “aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Trump.”

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Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run


Thomas Frank

The emails currently roiling the US presidential campaign are part of some unknown digital collection amassed by the troublesome Anthony Weiner, but if your purpose is to understand the clique of people who dominate Washington today, the emails that really matter are the ones being slowly released by WikiLeaks from the hacked account of Hillary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta. They are last week’s scandal in a year running over with scandals, but in truth their significance goes far beyond mere scandal: they are a window into the soul of the Democratic party and into the dreams and thoughts of the class to whom the party answers.

The class to which I refer is not rising in angry protest; they are by and large pretty satisfied, pretty contented. Nobody takes road trips to exotic West Virginia to see what the members of this class looks like or how they live; on the contrary, they are the ones for whom such stories are written. This bunch doesn’t have to make do with a comb-over TV mountebank for a leader; for this class, the choices are always pretty good, and this year they happen to be excellent.

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BOMBSHELL: Gottheimer Under Investigation for Pay-for-Play Scandal

Josh Gottheimer

November 1,2016

the staff of the Rmidgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,  Turns out that Josh Gottheimer has more in common with “family member” Hillary Clinton than he lets on.

While his mentor Hillary Clinton is under FBI scrutiny again, it’s now come out that Josh Gottheimer is currently under investigation by the United States Senate for pay-for-play allegations.

During Gottheimer’s time at the FCC, the FCC granted a conditional waiver to LightSquared, a client of Burson-Marsteller, Gottheimer’s previous employer.

“The National Broadband Plan contains an obscure provision… LightSquared is the primary beneficiary of this provision… Mr. Gottheimer may have contributed to or profited from his employer’s relationship with LightSquared and now, as the lead FCC staffer on the President’s National Broadband Plan, he may have played a role in the consideration of LightSquared’s proposed network.” (Senator Chuck Grassley, “Letter To FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski,” United States Senate, 1/30/11)

Not only did the Senate begin investigating Josh Gottheimer – The Washington Post launched its own investigation into allegations of impropriety on Gottheimer’s part.

In a shocking twist, Gottheimer refused to meet with Members of the Senate, and refused to answer questions about his role in the FCC LightSquared waiver.

Below is the timeline of the LightSquared/Gottheimer scandal – even Democrats joined the chorus of outrage over Gottheimer’s pay-for-play scheme.

November 2009: Clinton confidant Mark Penn’s Burson-Marsteller begins representation of LightSquared (Senator Chuck Grassley, “Letter To FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski,” United States Senate, 1/30/11)

June 23, 2010: Without qualifications or experience, Josh Gottheimer lands the role of FCC Senior Counselor with a special responsibility towards implementing President Obama’s National Broadband Plan (Senator Chuck Grassley, “Letter To FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski,” United States Senate, 1/30/11)

July 20, 2010: A new comprehensive public relations and marketing strategy is launched for LightSquared, spearheaded by Burson

November 18, 2010: LightSquared submits FCC application for authorization

January 19, 2011: California Democrat Rep. Anna Eshoo writes letter of concern about LightSquared waiver request

January 26, 2011: FCC grants conditional waiver to LightSquared

January 30, 2011: Sen. Charles Grassley begins investigation into Josh Gottheimer’s FCC position and his relationship to LightSquared.

February 2, 2011: Washington Democrat Sen. Patty Murray writes letter of concern about LightSquared waiver request

February 8, 2011: – Minnesota Democrat Sen. Amy Klobuchar writes letter of concern about LightSquared waiver request

September 19, 2011: The Washington Post begins an investigation into Josh Gottheimer’s involvement in LightSquare’s FCC waiver

September 23, 2011: The Wall Street Journal launches a LightSquared investigation

March 8, 2012: After months of obfuscating, Gottheimer refuses to meet with Members of the Senate raising questions about his role in the FCC LightSquared waiver