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CDC Admits it Fumbled COVID Response

Walensky Citing Failed Epidemic Response Calls for CDC Reorganization 3868127711

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky said Wednesday that the agency “did not reliably meet expectations” and would overhaul its operations after an external review found shortcomings in the COVID-19 response.

Continue reading CDC Admits it Fumbled COVID Response

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Most DC wage-hike backers don’t even pay their interns


Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) all do not pay interns but support the minimum wage photo of Cory Booker by Boyd Loving 

By Jonathon Trugman

August 12, 2017 | 10:53pm

One of the most valuable things a college student can do is complement his or her education with a summer internship.

Across America, kids from all schools and backgrounds compete for these experiences and résumé-building opportunities.

For many, it is their first real job and a chance make a little money. It could also be their first experience in a professional work environment.

You wouldn’t know it, but one of the least rewarding places to intern over the summer is on Capitol Hill.

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Rep. Scott Garrett : With Iran Nuke Deal “the Obama Administration failed the American people, it failed our allies around the world, and it failed future generations”


September 11,2015

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewoood NJ,Rep Scott Garrett R-NJ 5th District ,voted NO on the Obama Admin , seemingly suicidal Nuke Deal with Iran .Garret made his strongest statement yet  on the Administrations latest foreign Policy fiasco .

The somberness of the 14th anniversary of 9/11 ,Garrett commented that , “We will never forget those we lost. We will never forget those who ran into danger to help their fellow man and woman. We will never forget that evil forces still conspire to destroy our very way of life. And we will never forget those who sacrifice everything to defend our freedom.”

Garrett adressed the Iran Nuke deal vote specifically saying , “Today I voted against this terrible Iran nuclear deal. If enacted, this deal will give Iran sanctions relief and a path to obtaining a nuclear weapon while jeopardizing the security of the United States and its allies. It will allow Iran to generate weapons grade nuclear materials in 15 years, possess intercontinental ballistic missiles in eight years, and receive a multi-billion dollar financial windfall in sanctions relief to fund their nuclear program.

As a member of the special committee that implemented sanctions on Iran, I understand the severity of this situation. The Obama Administration failed the American people, it failed our allies around the world, and it failed future generations that will live in a more dangerous world with a nuclear-armed Iran. This fight isn’t over. I will continue to do everything in my power to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of known terrorists”

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Bi-Partisan DC Rally to Oppose the Iran Nuke Deal


NJ bus to DC, we share the following information:

There is a bus leaving from Fairlawn, NJ.
For info: 201-773-3788 or 201-562-3787
or email:

We understand the cost for the bus is $40 and that is leaves from Plaza Road & Fairlawn Avenue, at 7:00 – PLEASE CONFIRM ALL THAT INFORMATION WHEN YOU SPEAK TO THE INDIVIDUAL NOTED ABOVE.

This is not our bus and we have no further information on it…..regrets.

March on the West Lawn of the Capitol, 2:00 p.m.
Following the OU sponsored event, a coalition of organizations including the ZOA, CUFI, Heritage Action and more will gather at 2:00 p.m. on Capitol Hill (on the West Lawn) for a broader gathering which we encourage you to attend as well.

This rally will be addressed by, among others, leading Members of Congress who oppose the deal.

Theses bi-partisan rallies of people from all across America to convince Congress to reject this dangerous deal will take place in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. Speakers include Democrats, Republicans, businessmen, politicians, scholars, retired generals and such presidential candidates as Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

See: for information known and kept secret on the deal.

We are, after all, “WE THE PEOPLE”!!!!!

In Liberty,

NJ Tea Party Coalition

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Reader says New Jersey is a donor state getting back only 60 cents for every dollar to DC


We pay the highest taxes in the country for a few reasons… first, 500 odd local municipalities with their own governments, schools, etc… that’s not cheap…. then you have some of our larger cities requiring taxpayer based support…and the north subsidizes the south county wise (kind of like a microcosm of the country)…. but, the biggest reason is that NJ is the most “independent” state of the federal government. What that means is that we are a donor state to the tune of 10’s of BILLIONS every year, with most of these funds going to red states… we only get back about 60 cents for every dollar to DC… Our reps on both sides totally shaft us… why does no one see that as an issue? If we got about 70 cents back for every buck, we could fund everything and run a surplus to boot… yeah, some of the pension stuff is over the top but no one says boo about the federal transfer of payments deficit that we have…