NJ bus to DC, we share the following information:
There is a bus leaving from Fairlawn, NJ.
For info: 201-773-3788 or 201-562-3787
or email: iarolovich@gmail.com
We understand the cost for the bus is $40 and that is leaves from Plaza Road & Fairlawn Avenue, at 7:00 – PLEASE CONFIRM ALL THAT INFORMATION WHEN YOU SPEAK TO THE INDIVIDUAL NOTED ABOVE.
This is not our bus and we have no further information on it…..regrets.
March on the West Lawn of the Capitol, 2:00 p.m.
Following the OU sponsored event, a coalition of organizations including the ZOA, CUFI, Heritage Action and more will gather at 2:00 p.m. on Capitol Hill (on the West Lawn) for a broader gathering which we encourage you to attend as well.
This rally will be addressed by, among others, leading Members of Congress who oppose the deal.
Theses bi-partisan rallies of people from all across America to convince Congress to reject this dangerous deal will take place in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. Speakers include Democrats, Republicans, businessmen, politicians, scholars, retired generals and such presidential candidates as Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
See: www.MarchToSaveAmerica.org for information known and kept secret on the deal.
We are, after all, “WE THE PEOPLE”!!!!!
In Liberty,
NJ Tea Party Coalition