Ridgewood NJ, Dog licenses are renewed during the month of June. One and three-year licenses are available starting June 1 with a valid rabies certificate.
Ridgewood NJ, An email has been sent out by the Health Department for all present dog owners to renew their dog licenses. Since rabies vaccines for pets are essential in providing a barrier of protection between pets and people in the community, we encourage the vaccination of pets. In addition, the NJ Statute states that dog licenses shall expire no later than June 30th in the current licensing year. We have not received notice that this has been extended through current legislation, due to the pandemic.
Ridgewood NJ, in the latest Village eNotice, Village Manager Heather Mailander explained that the Municipal Election, to elect two members to the Village Council, will take place on May 8, 2018. The polls are open from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and will be held in your usual polling place. All registered voters will receive sample ballots in the mail, prior to the election. If you are unable to go to the polls, you may vote in person, up until 3:00 p.m. on May 7, 2018, by going to the Bergen County Clerk’s Office, One Bergen County Plaza, Hackensack, NJ.
The Public Hearing and consideration for adoption for the 2018 Municipal Budget will be held at the Village Council’s Regular Public Meeting on May 9, 2018 beginning at 8:00 p.m. The budget is posted on the Village website and a budget newsletter will be mailed to all residences, prior to May 9th.
The Health Department would like to remind residents that 2018 dog license renewals are due during the month of June. A $20 late fee will be charged for all renewals received after June 30, 2018.
The Ridgewood FREE dog rabies clinic and micro chipping event will be held on May 16 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm at the Graydon Pool Parking Lot on Northern Parkway.
The Health Department will be sending renewal notices via email. If you do not have an email address please call our office and request a renewal to be mailed to you. Renewal applications may also be obtained by visiting our website at www.ridgewoodnj.net or coming in person to the Ridgewood Health Department, 131 North Maple Ave., during regular business hours.
New Jersey law requires owners of all dogs seven months of age or older to be registered with the town where they live. In order for the license to be issued, the owner must present proof that a licensed veterinarian has vaccinated the dog against rabies and that the duration of immunity from that vaccination does not expire before May 1, 2019. To receive the discount for a spayed or neutered pet, proof must also be provided.
Summer is almost here ,Graydon Pool will open on June 2nd, and will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on that day. The Recreation newsletter, which will be mailed to all residences in a few weeks, will have a family coupon for up to $40 off registration for Ridgewood residents, which expires July 15, 2018. Proof of residency will be required. Registration can be done online at www.ridgewoodnj.net/communitypass or in person at the Graydon Pool badge office on May 12th and May 19th from 10:00 a.m. to Noon. In addition, once the pool opens, registration will be done at the badge office, during regular pool hours.
Summer Day Camp registration, for Ridgewood children entering grades 1 through 6, is now open. This popular Day Camp usually has a waiting list, so please sign up as soon as possible. Registration is available online at www.ridgewoodnj.net/communitypass.
Please share this information with your neighbors. For continuing updates, please see the Village website at www.ridgewoodnj.net.
Ridgewood NJ, several readers in recent weeks mentioned that Ridgewood charges the highest fee for dog licenses and yet the Village of Ridgewood does not even have an animal control officer?
Some residents have suggested that the Village seems hostile towards dogs. Which is funny, because I also think a lot of people in town have dogs.
Other towns charge $9 – $13 for neutered dogs while Ridgewood charges $18 per dog , and of course the late fees are very high .
from the Village of Ridgewood website :
Dog Licenses
Dog licenses are renewed during the month of June. One and three year licenses are available starting June 1st with a valid rabies certificate.
For 1 year licenses: Rabies Certificate that expires no earlier than May 1st of the following year.
For 3 year licenses: Rabies Certificate that expires no earlier than May 1st of the third year. (Example: a 3 year license purchased in June of 2012 will need a rabies certificate valid through May 1, 2015)
Beginning in the 2013 licensing year, renewal reminders will be sent via email. An application will be available on the website or in person at the health department. Renewal applications will be mailed upon request by calling 201 670-5500 ext 503. A Late Fee of $20.00 per dog will be assessed after June 30th.
It is the dog owner’s responsibility to renew the dog license when it expires. It is also the dog owner’s responsibility to maintain their pet with a valid rabies vaccination. The health department sends out reminders as a courtesy and to inform residents of our free rabies clinic.
Village Code Chapter 105: Click here for an index that contains links to the code provided by General Code. Be patient there is a pause while the link is locating and activating code.
NJ Statutes: NJSA 4:19-15.1 et seq (reprint)