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Fair Lawn Transforms Broadway Train Station Area into a Welcoming Gateway with New Murals, Gardens, and Landscaping

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fair Lawn NJ, the once-overgrown non descript landscape around Fair Lawn’s Broadway train station has been transformed into a vibrant, welcoming space with blooming flowers, lush shrubs, and eye-catching murals, as part of an ongoing effort to revitalize the Broadway business district. This beautification, led by Fair Lawn Main Street Inc. and supported by NJ Transit, marks a significant step in making Fair Lawn more inviting for both residents and visitors alike.

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Fair Lawn Seeks Community Input to Transform River Road Business District

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Fair Lawn NJ, Fair Lawn Main Street Inc. is calling on residents and shoppers to share their thoughts on how they would like the Fair Lawn Avenue and River Road business district to evolve. The feedback will help shape future projects as the local economic development group partners with Main Street America, a national consulting organization, to reimagine the area.

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