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Prices Surge as Inflation Rate hits 7.9 percent, fastest rate since 1982


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, , Consumer prices rose 0.8 percent in February and 7.9 percent over the last 12 months, according to data released Thursday by the Labor Department.

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Shortage of Qualified Truckers Could Lead to Gasoline Shortages this Summer

gas station new jersey1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, first it was toilet paper , now its gasoline. Concerns grow about shortage of gasoline at filling stations this summer. The shortage would  have nothing to do with gasoline supply , but more a case of a shortage of qualified truck drivers to get the gas from the refineries to the stations.

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The Gas Tax Hike Cometh


The Gas Tax Hike Cometh
Sep. 23  
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

As recently as March, Save Jerseyans, Governor Chris Christie said gas tax hikes were off the table.

He strongly opposed a proposal from Sen. Ray Lesniak (D-20, Union) earlier in the year which would’ve raised the gas tax by 15 cents over 3 years.

But I warned you earlier this week how the pending confirmation of Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner-designate Jamie Fox could signal a change in thinking, or at least tactics.I take no pleasure in being right. Trust me. I’ll be paying right along side you at the next pump. So enjoy our run of cheap gas (which is attracting drivers to NJ… when does that every happen?) while it lasts…

According to multiple reports, a bipartisan agreement to raise the gas tax between 15 cents and 20 cents or, alternatively, hike the petroleum products gross receipts tax (paid by refineries and distributors) is moving forward behind closed doors. Or some combination of the two. Whatever. Fox, who presumably discussed these issues with Gov. Christie’s team at length, is echoing his support of a gas tax back during the McGreevey Administration by declaring “[n]othing is off the table.”

It damn well should be!

Believe it or not, New Jerseyans enjoy the third lowest gas tax in the United States. A 15 cent tax would’ve added, on average, $230 to the cost of driving every New Jersey car each year. This is on top of Parkway and Turnpike tolls doubling since 2008. At what point does flying or driving (or swimming) around New Jersey make more sense than paying out the rear end to drive through it?