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NJ Senator Durr: Attributing the Deaths of Whales Disoriented by Wind Survey Work to Ship Strikes Is Disingenuous

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glassborro NJ, Senator Ed Durr issued the following response after the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) determined that the deaths of two humpback whales were caused by vessel strikes off the coast of New York and New Jersey.

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Watch Out for Whales in New Jersey’s Waters


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Atlantic City NJ, Humpback whales are the most common whale seen in New Jersey’s waters. The Atlantic Ocean humpback whale population has been increasing in recent years and they were federally delisted as Endangered in 2016. More humpback whales have been observed overwintering in our nearshore waters, likely due to factors related to climate change, increased food abundance, and improved water quality.

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After 2nd Whale Washes Ashore in Atlantic City, Environmental Group calls for an immediate cessation of offshore wind vessel surveys

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Atlantic City NJ, after a 2nd whale washes ashore in Atlantic City over the last 2 weeks questions are raised .Whale Stranding-Save LBI calls for immediate cessation of offshore wind vessel surveys.

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