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Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi, “This is no longer about health and safety. The people of the State of NJ are being played”

mail in ballots
the staff of the Ridgewood blog



“It is so incredibly important for the people of the State of New Jersey to educate themselves regarding what has happened in the past several months. My office gets daily calls and emails regarding the abysmal conditions at NJ’s Motor Vehicle Commission. 8-10 hour waits are the norm with people lining up at 4 am in order to secure an appointment.

Continue reading Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi, “This is no longer about health and safety. The people of the State of NJ are being played”

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Democratically Controlled NJ Legislature voted to Support Governor Murphy’s Executive Order Stripping Away our Right to Vote in Person

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
River Vale NJ,  Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi   explains  how the democratically controlled NJ Legislature voted to support Governor Murphy’s Executive Order stripping away our right to vote in person on a voting machine and forcing a vote by mail election. This was my floor speech arguing against these bills.

Continue reading Democratically Controlled NJ Legislature voted to Support Governor Murphy’s Executive Order Stripping Away our Right to Vote in Person

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State Senator Kristin Corrado Denounces Vote-By-Mail Decision for November Election

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Dr. Fauci has said there is no reason people can’t vote in person as long as they wear masks and follow social distancing guidelines

photo by Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Totowa NJ, Senator Kristin Corrado reacted to Governor Murphy’s announcement that the general election in November will be done by mail, calling it an unnecessary over-reaction and an affront to hard-earned voting guarantees.

Sen. Kristin Corrado reacted to Gov. Murphy’s announcement that the general election in November will be done by mail, calling it an unnecessary over-reaction and an affront to hard-earned voting guarantees.

Continue reading State Senator Kristin Corrado Denounces Vote-By-Mail Decision for November Election