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Democratically Controlled NJ Legislature voted to Support Governor Murphy’s Executive Order Stripping Away our Right to Vote in Person

the staff of the Ridgewood blog
River Vale NJ,  Assemblywomen Holly Schepisi   explains  how the democratically controlled NJ Legislature voted to support Governor Murphy’s Executive Order stripping away our right to vote in person on a voting machine and forcing a vote by mail election. This was my floor speech arguing against these bills.

Part 2 of my questions as to why we are taking away the right to vote in person in NJ less 2 months before an ejection.

10 thoughts on “Democratically Controlled NJ Legislature voted to Support Governor Murphy’s Executive Order Stripping Away our Right to Vote in Person

  1. State web says we can vote in person if we want to

  2. OH KING Murphy. What rights are you going to take away next?

  3. To first Anonymous – yes you can vote “in-person” but not via voting machine – you can drop off or (I think) fill out a paper ballot at your nearest polling location but otherwise all votes are ultimately being cast via paper.

  4. This is how tyrany begins…

  5. please do not send mine in the Mail as I do not want it to become Voter Fraud

  6. Dropping off a written ballot is not “in person voting”. What are the Dems afraid of?

  7. In person voting is this: Getting the go-ahead from the Poll Worker as a registered voter, approaching the voting machine in full view of an opposition party poll watcher, and casting a vote that goes live the moment you push the red button. It can’t be taken back, can’t be held in abeyance, can’t be questioned ad nauseum, can’t be corrupted by the counting process, etc. Votes in their millions like the one just described constitute a free and fair election, the results of which can be reported and tabulated quickly, thereby preserving confidence in the voting process. Provisional ballots are exactly the opposite in basically every respect. This is election theft in process. Bad Orange Man 2020–may he win (New Jersey?) in a landslide.

  8. No reason at all not to vote in person.
    Very disappointed with this Governor.
    I voted for him expected better of him.

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