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Readers point even more conflicts of interest at Ridgewood Village Hall


Readers point even more conflicts of interest in Village Hall .”Wait , so planning board approved the high density housing they were advised by Gail Price. Then when council conducted the studies – they were conducted through Village Manager’s office. Village Manager’s assistant, who was coordinating all those studies and providing data to the external firms is spouse of a counsel at Gail Price’s office.

NJ Law states that a conflict of interest need not be financial in nature but merely a perception of partiality to the issue in question.

Gail Price is the planning board attorney and has her own law firm. Her husband wants to be Ridgewood Councilman. Well lets see who else is connected. Richard M. Fricke works for Gail Price’s firm and his wife Janet is the assistant to our Village Manager .

Finally, the dots are connected! Janet Fricke is connected to the Library cabal. She is a political appointee, not civil service.”

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Tonight: Forum No. 5 – CBD Panel Discussions



Tonight:  Forum No. 5 – CBD Panel Discussions 

March 18, 2015 at 7:30PM

Deputy Mayor Albert Pucciarelli has scheduled a CBD Panel Discussion for March 18, 2015 from 7:30PM to 9:00PM; with an “open mike” from 7:30 to 8:00PM. It will be held at Christ Episcopal Church located at the corner of Franklin venue and Cottage Place. The discussion will focus on Parking with a panel comprised of Paul Vagianos, Charles Di Marco, Janet Fricke and Paul Aronsohn.

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