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Upper Saddle River Fire Under Investigation

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photos courtesy of the Upper Saddle River Fire Department

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Upper Saddle River Nj, Sunday night the Upper Saddle River Fire Department responded to a home on Carlough Road for a structure fire. First arriving units were met with heavy smoke coming from the home and a second alarm was struck bringing mutual aid to the scene. Crews extinguished the fire which had reached multiple levels of the home. The fire is under investigation by the Upper Saddle River Bureau of Fire Prevention. Mutual aid partners from Ramsey, Mahwah, Alendale, Saddle River & Tallman responded.

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Multi Alarm Fire On Paramus Road Guts Building

Multi Alarm Fire On Paramus Road Guts Building

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

November 15,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Paramus firefighters battled a multiple alarm fire at Denny Wiggers Landscaping, 387 Paramus Road, Paramus on Monday morning, 11/14. The structure involved was declared uninhabitable due to fire, smoke and water damage. All occupants safely evacuated the building prior to the arrival of fire department personnel. Paramus Road was closed in both directions near the incident scene. Paramus PD and EMS personnel also responded to the scene in force. Fire and rescue personnel from nearby municipalities staffed Paramus FD and Rescue Squad locations during the incident and provided relief at the fire scene.

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