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Reader says This is a serious situation involving municipal corruption in open defiance of the non-partisan form of government

Ridgewood News

If Sonenfeld were still Village Manager today (i.e., hadn’t resigned yet) this would have been good cause for the new Mayor to demand her resignation. And yes, any village employee below Sonenfeld who assisted in the production of this video should now be investigated, and at least be counseled and subjected to some kind of censure or discipline, unless the facts reveal that they participated against their will because Sonenfeld or Aronsohn pressured them somehow or threatened their job. This is a serious situation involving municipal corruption in open defiance of the non-partisan form of government to which Village residents are entitled pursuant to the Faulkner Act. Village management needs to act promptly to ensure that nobody employed by the Village tries to do or even thinks about doing anything like this ever again.