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Now, even some Democrats are comparing Murphy to Corzine


Can you say Corzine 2.0 ?


04/12/17 05:23 AM EDT

New Jersey politicians just can’t seem to leave Jon Corzine alone.

The former Democratic governor and U.S. senator, bounced out of office by Republican Gov. Chris Christie in 2009, has tried to keep a low profile in recent years, even as the GOP has portrayed him as the boogeyman. Christie used him to explain away the slow growth of the state’s economy and Republican lawmakers sought to tie their “Corzine Democrat” opponents to a governor viewed as hapless, uncharismatic and ineffective.

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Joe Piscopo — ‘It’s time for the people’s politician’

Joe Piscopo

By Bill Spadea March 21, 2017 9:40 AM

Entertainer, radio host and maybe our next governor? Could Joe Piscopo be the next governor? If so, he has laid out his gameplan for his road to the statehouse.

Piscopo — ‘More serious than ever’ about run for governor

Joe called into the show this morning to discuss his announcement that IF he decides to run for governor, he will run as an Independent. While he respects both sides of the aisle with friends in the NJ Republican and Democratic parties, “I think it’s time for the people’s politician, Bill,” Piscopo stated.

Piscopo also said that if he were to announce that he is going to make a run for the governor, now that he won’t be affiliated with any specific party, “I’m pro union member and you have to fight for the working men and women of the state and I support the union members.”

Would you be more inclined to vote for an Independent candidate?

Read More: Joe Piscopo — ‘It’s time for the people’s politician’ |

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Only One Vote of approval will select New Jersey’s next Governor



In the era of Trump, not much attention is being paid to the NJ Gubernatorial race right now, but for those who understand what happened last November with the Presidential election, where thousands of New Jersians who rarely voted and democrats who were tired of back-room deals and politics as usual, came out and voted for Donald Trump. This should give New Jersey residents some pause when considering options for the Democratic primary race. When Gov. Christie ran for his second term, he took NJ 60.3% to 38.2%.  One of the arguments from the Democratic candidate was that the power boss/es did not come out for her for whatever reasons.

In this year’s Democratic primary, we have several candidates but some corrupt party bosses are crowning their favorite, even before a single “public” vote has been cast. If the residents of New Jersey do not stand up and fight for their right to select the candidate they want to represent them, then the only vote that counts and that has already been cast, is that of the Democratic Chairman for Passaic County.  To better understand how control is maintained, we must understand that this chairman controls all the County agencies including the Board of Elections and Freeholders, Passaic County Technical Institute, Sheriff’s Department and Passaic County Community College just off the top of my head.  Now to be fair, the departments are run by different staff and professionals but the key elected positions and in some cases executive jobs are mostly the result of political deals made by the Democratic chair.  This was not done overnight. It took years for such a process to work, but now that all county and state elected officials are controlled by the Passaic County Democratic Chair, with the exception of Congressman Bill Pascrell who is focused influencing Trenton, have selected a candidate with no governing experience at all but with deep pockets to fund other candidates the chairman has in mind.

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Rullo long shot GOP Candidate for NJ Governor Takes Social Media by Storm


January 16,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, Joseph Rullo, a longshot GOP candidate who entered the race more than a year ago in 2015 has been in nonstop campaign mode.

Rullo is patterning his campaign on the Trump campaign with a heavy use of social media, and drain the swamp mantra pointed at Trenton.

Rullo promises as Governor I will reduce property taxes, repeal the .23 gas tax, dissolve the transportation SLUSH fund, Veto all tax increases, cut billions in political earmarked jobs and contracts, eliminate state income taxes on pensions for retirees and add 1 billion in new revenue sources to further lower taxes. I Will dissolve the Transportation Trust Fund and consolidate all highway authorities eliminating redundant high-level management positions, eliminate high-cost earmark & specialty contracts tied to contributors. It will produce millions in savings with shared services and purchases. I will eliminate tolls and repeal the gas tax with the savings from the new efficient transparent highway entity. I will also eliminate 1.3 billion in pension fees to NYC politically connected brokerage houses and replace with licensed brokers in the state investors division to pay towards pension payment. Superintendents and business administrators need to be reduced drastically. Instead of having one superintendent and business administrator per school district, we need to cut the number to one per county. By consolidating superintendents & business administrators, we can save $50 million per year by eliminating superintendents alone. And will work to also eliminate municipal tax assessors to one per county. I will fire hundreds of high-salary patronage jobs like indicted Port Authority’s David Wildstein, as an example, saving hundreds of millions of dollars to cut taxes.

After winning 7 polls Rullo tells the Ridgewood blog If the election were held today without the rigging, we would win huge.

When asked yesterday if he feared backing Trump in very blue New Jersey, Rullo called Hillary a gun grabber.

Rullo told “People are understanding that in Trenton, it’s all about helping friends and family and contributors,” he added. “I am prepping a massive overhaul of Trenton. I’m not in the establishment.”

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NJEA Moves on Screening Process to Pick Its 2017 Gubernatorial Candidate


By Max Pizarro • 09/12/16 5:12pm

The New Jersey Education Association’s (NJEA) PAC Operating Committee this past weekend voted in favor of beginning the process of screening 2017 candidates for governor and the legislature.

It’s probably safe to say that Senate President Steve Sweeney (D-Gloucester) doesn’t need to bother showing up for that process.

He’s identified in a leadership letter to NJEA members as the instigator of “betrayal,” for failing to secure a public payment pension question on the 2016 ballot, and then lashing out at the NJEA in a letter to law enforcement.

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Kim Guadagno ’s 2017 Options and Prospects


lt Gov Kim Guadagno with former Freeholder John Mitchell

In any election year other than 2017, New Jersey’s Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno would be considered one of the leading stars in the national GOP firmament. Indeed, she has a “star” quality about her that is reminiscent of my former boss in whose administration I served quite proudly, Christie Whitman. Alan Steinberg, PolitickerNJ Read more