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Former Lt Governor Kim Guadagno Joins Chorus of In Name Only Republicans

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Joshua Sotomayor-Einstein

Former NJ Lt Governor Kim Guadagno’s ad hominem attack on President Trump, published in the Star-Ledger on November 22, in which she admonishes the President to concede the election despite the fact that Electoral College has not yet met, and ignores the ongoing investigations into dozens of sworn affidavits on voting irregularities, shows how disconnected she is from the party she was once a part of. Guadagno has been MIA in the GOP since her phoned-in and failed gubernatorial run, including this election in which she helped zero Republican Congressional candidates. Moreover, the fact that according to Rasmussen 30% of Democrats believe there was voter fraud/criminality in the election, demonstrates how out of touch she is even with a significant portion of the Democrat Party she is now inexplicably attempting to court.

Continue reading Former Lt Governor Kim Guadagno Joins Chorus of In Name Only Republicans

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Reader asks So Murphy gets 17% more votes than Guadagno in Ridgewood, what gives?

Phil Murphy

I posted this on the election results topic but also bringing it here because I am very curious:
So Murphy gets 17% more votes than Guadagno in Ridgewood. I just can’t understand for the life of me how people who have a great town (compared to many other areas in NJ) vote so overwhelmingly for someone who promises to basically turn NJ upside down with the sanctuary and “fairer state” promises!!!! I mean this guy basically says I will raise your taxes, I will surround you with illegal emigrants and low income people and I will make you pay for them and in the process I will lower your property value and badly damage your quality of life. How do you vote for him????? How can white, rich people who make their $$$$ in capitalism vote for a socialist?? I understand his promises are very appealing to Paterson, Jersey City, Elizabeth, Clifton etc. but I just don’t get where the appeal is for Ridgewood?? I know many voted against Christie but Christie wasn’t even on the ballot.
Anybody cares to chip in? I am speechless.

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Guadagno Proposes Full-Scale Audit on New Jersey’s Finanaces

Kim Guadagno

October 24,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Kim Guadagno the Republican candidate for governor has proposed conducting a full state audit of New Jersey’s finances or lack there of  as part of her 8 point plan to right a sinking ship . Neighbors are fleeing New Jersey because of excessive taxes and the sky high cost of living, yet Trenton dose not seem to understand how dire the situation is for New Jersey families.

1)Conduct Full-Scale Audit
On day one, Kim will order a complete audit of state government finances, operations and programs to root out waste, abuse and inefficiencies in all areas of state government. Savings realized from the “Audit Trenton” initiative will be given back to the taxpayers in the form of property tax relief.

2) Support An Independently Elected Attorney General
New Jersey is one of only a handful of states that allows the governor to appoint its top law enforcement official. A Guadagno administration would support a proposal to establish an independently-elected attorney general, or commission an independent special prosector in the event the governor or lieutenant governor is under investigation. This will ensure the state’s top law enforcement agency in the state is accountable only to the people of New Jersey to root out potential corruption and abuse.

3) Use Zero-based Budgeting
The first budget proposal presented by the Guadagno administration will utilize “zero-based budgeting” techniques, forcing all state spending to be justified based upon need and cost. Kim will also nominate Cabinet officials who understand that finding savings for taxpayers ranks second only to protecting our citizens’ health, safety, and welfare.

4) Ensure Education Dollars Get To Classrooms
New Jersey taxpayers currently spend an average of $19,600 per student, but that amount varies widely district to district and a large portion never gets to the classroom. Before we can ask taxpayers to fork over another penny for schools, we must ensure that the education funding formula is fair and our tax dollars are actually being used to improve student performance. That’s why a Guadagno administration will immediately call on the State Department of Education to conduct an audit of the state’s 586 school districts to ensure we’re spending the money on improving educational outcomes for students.

4) Fix School Procurement And Construction
School district procurement rules and practices often get in the way of getting the best product at the lowest price. We must review and change these rules and develop benchmarks for districts regarding smart purchasing practices. Like collective bargaining, we should establish a uniform, statewide procurement policy and system that will allow for the leveraging of statewide bargaining power to secure the best possible price for school goods. New Jersey must also bring fairness to school construction by requiring the SDA districts to pay the same percentage on capital improvements as they do for their entire district budget.

5) Sell Surplus State Assets
A Guadagno administration would sell buildings and other assets no longer needed by the state. This would yield the two-fold benefit of producing income that could be used to reduce debt and would put these properties back on the local tax rolls to help municipalities reduce property taxes. This proposal would not affect parks, beaches or environmentally sensitive properties owned by the state.

6) Take The Politics Out Of Road Building
In New Jersey, it is no secret that it costs too much and takes too long to build roads and other infrastructure projects. Yet instead of fixing the problems, Trenton insiders created a politically-appointed panel of four to control how our transportation dollars are spent and demand everyday New Jerseyans pay more at the pump through higher gas taxes. A Guadagno administration will demand better and work to bring efficiency and common sense to road construction. This includes auditing the Transportation Trust Fund (TTF), eliminating political appointees, disbanding the panel of four politically appointed bureaucrats and ensuring infrastructure projects are funded based upon need, congestion and economic impact.

7) Oppose New Long-Term Debt
New Jersey’s state debt is about twice the national average and threatens to further erode the state’s declining credit rating. As governor, Kim will close the loophole that allows New Jersey’s Economic Development Authority to take on new debt without voter approval. In fact, Kim will oppose any plan that adds additional long term debt to the state’s balance sheet without getting voter approval via a referendum.

8) Scrap Plans To Build ‘The Palace Of Versailles’
At a time when we have the highest foreclosure rate in the nation, New Jersey cannot afford to turn the State House into the Palace of Versailles. Instead of spending $300 million on renovating the State House, Kim believes we should set up a charitable foundation to raise funds from private sources to make any necessary repairs to the aging building. This effort can be assisted by making charitable contributions tax deductible.

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Kim Guadagno Hits Back Over Murphy Race Baiting


September 3,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, while we have never been a strong supporter of Kim Guadagno , Phil Murphy (Corzine 2.0) is clearly a threat to many New Jerseyans livelihood . His big government tax and spend philosophy will chase any business out of New Jersey, leaving fewer people to carry the massive tax burden.  Murphy’s “Connecticut Scheme ” will have the same results as in Connecticut driving away the states largest employers and most productive individuals .

Worse yet in recent statements Murphy is appearing a bit desperate which seems odd for someone “up 29 points” in the polls.

Kim Guadagno  slapped back  at Murphy, “It’s a shame that Phil Murphy would stoop so low to hide his support for raising taxes by over $1.3 billion by getting involved in divisive and horrendous identity politics. Carlos and I have condemned racism and bigotry in all forms, and Phil Murphy knows it. His desperate race-baiting attacks to stir up fake outrage are beneath all of us as New Jerseyans, who value diversity, equality and love for each other.”

Murphy Race Baiting , “We are now seeing a disturbing trend emerge with Kim Guadagno and her campaign. Yesterday, she refused to criticize a sitting Assemblyman for posing with the Confederate flag, a symbol of bigotry and divisiveness. Today, we’ve learned that her choice for Lieutenant Governor, Woodcliff Lake Mayor Carlos Rendo, has been accused of systematic harassment and discrimination by the Chabad community in Woodcliff Lake. Yet, both times Lieutenant Governor Guadagno refused to criticize racist and anti-semitic speech despite the clear evidence.”

“Clear evidence.” really this guy is starting to sound like Al Sharpton quoting fake news , race baiting and obfuscating  his positions trying to hide the huge tax increases that will finally sink New Jersey economy once and for all  .

Kim Guadagno sums it up  ,”Murphy is taking the coward’s way out, ducking for cover behind the task force to avoid saying what he’s likely thinking, that he plans to reward those unions for their support by dumping the cap. New Jerseyans deserve to know where Murphy stands before November, and they have every reason to expect our would-be governor to have the courage explain his position.”

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Piscopo fakeout ends with Guadagno endorsement

Joe Piscopo


05/03/17 11:28 AM EDT

PARAMUS — After stringing the media along for more than six months, comedian Joe Piscopo on Wednesday finally put an end to the self-driven speculation that he would run for governor as an independent.

Instead, the former Saturday Night Live cast member will settle for the role of “cheerleader” for Republican candidate Kim Guadgano — the lieutenant governor of New Jersey — whom he endorsed.

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the Ridgewood blog: New Jersey’s winners & losers in a Trump Presidency

The Celebrity Apprentice

November 10,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Republican Donald Trump’s stunning victory over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to become the nation’s 45th president will have immediate repercussions on New Jersey’s key players.

Here are the 2016 presidential election’s Garden State winners and losers :


Bergen County Democrats

Bergen County Democrats made a clean sweep in Countywide elections.

Chris Christie

All we can say is you can’t fall off the floor .

GOP State Sen. Michael Doherty

The Conservative New Jersey state senator was an early Trump supporter. Doherty (R-Warren) was the only state legislator to board the Trump Train right from the get go as other Republicans waited for Trump to gain momentum.

U.S. Rep. Tom MacArthur

MacArthur (R-3rd Dist.) was the only GOP House member from New Jersey to attend the Republican National Convention that nominated Trump unlike the rest of the NJ GOP Cowards.

Jared Kushner

Trump’s son-in-law acted as a top adviser to the Republican nominee. Liberal Kushner is the publisher of the New York Observer, which owns the New Jersey political news website PolitickerNJ.

Kellyanne Conway

New Jersey native ,Trump’s campaign manager, she cheerfully guided and disciplined the Trump campaign to take the White House. If she were a “liberal ” we would be all hailing her as breaking the glass ceiling ,being the first women to run a successful national campaign.

the late Antonin Scalia

The late Supreme Court justice from Trenton is the role model Trump says he will use to choose future Supreme Court picks.


The Bergen County Republicans

The “silent majority ” never appeared .

U.S. Sens. Bob Menendez and Cory Booker

Two more years in the minority for New Jersey’s U.S. senators. Menendez (DR) still an ethics cloud over his head , while lightweight Booker (Twitter) failed at race baiting .

Pollsters , Election Experts and Media Outlets

The Election Day results were as big of a loss for pollsters , the mainstream media was outed for being even more bias than everyone thought and the experts were wrong about every single issues ,every single day.

Barack Obama’s legacy

Trump campaigned on undoing the president’s legacy and scaling back or nixing the executive orders he signed while in office. Trump will look to turn back trade deals, climate deals, Iran Nuke deal and Dodd-Frank.
Bailout nation is over. October’s Obamacare bills , plus GOP control of the courts ,house and senate make repeal and replacement of Obamacare almost a given.

Kim Guadagno

Turned on Trump falling into ill repute with the GOP base ,gearing up for a 2017 gubernatorial run ,joined the ranks of GOP cowards.

U.S. Rep. Scott Garrett and Josh Gottheimer

Scott Garrett (R-5th Dist) lost in a highly contested contest to Clintonista Democrat Josh Gottheimer . Gottheimer ran a campaign based on name calling and is left rudderless with Clinton machine seemingly out of business. 7 term Garrett, will leave with a smile on his face when the Trump administration pushes through the “Garrett agenda” ie …repeal Obamacare ,repeal Dodd-Frank and cancel the Iran nuke deal.

But the Biggest Loser is the New Jersey Taxpayer

Yes, Voted down the foolish northern casinos , but said yes to the tax raising amendment as well as voted for all the campaigns that said they would raise taxes from Hillary,Gottheimer, Bergen Freeholders ,sheriff, and so on .

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Kim Guadagno ’s 2017 Options and Prospects


lt Gov Kim Guadagno with former Freeholder John Mitchell

In any election year other than 2017, New Jersey’s Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno would be considered one of the leading stars in the national GOP firmament. Indeed, she has a “star” quality about her that is reminiscent of my former boss in whose administration I served quite proudly, Christie Whitman. Alan Steinberg, PolitickerNJ Read more