January 16,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood Nj, Joseph Rullo, a longshot GOP candidate who entered the race more than a year ago in 2015 has been in nonstop campaign mode.
Rullo is patterning his campaign on the Trump campaign with a heavy use of social media, and drain the swamp mantra pointed at Trenton.
Rullo promises as Governor I will reduce property taxes, repeal the .23 gas tax, dissolve the transportation SLUSH fund, Veto all tax increases, cut billions in political earmarked jobs and contracts, eliminate state income taxes on pensions for retirees and add 1 billion in new revenue sources to further lower taxes. I Will dissolve the Transportation Trust Fund and consolidate all highway authorities eliminating redundant high-level management positions, eliminate high-cost earmark & specialty contracts tied to contributors. It will produce millions in savings with shared services and purchases. I will eliminate tolls and repeal the gas tax with the savings from the new efficient transparent highway entity. I will also eliminate 1.3 billion in pension fees to NYC politically connected brokerage houses and replace with licensed brokers in the state investors division to pay towards pension payment. Superintendents and business administrators need to be reduced drastically. Instead of having one superintendent and business administrator per school district, we need to cut the number to one per county. By consolidating superintendents & business administrators, we can save $50 million per year by eliminating superintendents alone. And will work to also eliminate municipal tax assessors to one per county. I will fire hundreds of high-salary patronage jobs like indicted Port Authority’s David Wildstein, as an example, saving hundreds of millions of dollars to cut taxes.
After winning 7 polls Rullo tells the Ridgewood blog If the election were held today without the rigging, we would win huge.
When asked yesterday if he feared backing Trump in very blue New Jersey, Rullo called Hillary a gun grabber.
Rullo told NJ.com “People are understanding that in Trenton, it’s all about helping friends and family and contributors,” he added. “I am prepping a massive overhaul of Trenton. I’m not in the establishment.”