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President Trump Signs Executive order to protect American Jobs From Misuse of H-1B Visas

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Washington DC, President Trump took action earlier today to prevent Americans from being displaced by foreign workers and offshore labor using federal dollars. In a new executive order the President combats the misuse of H-1B visas, which too often have been exploited to replace qualified U.S. workers with lower-cost foreign ones. President Trump is directing all federal agencies to focus on hiring Americans for lucrative federal contracts, and it requires that only U.S. citizens be appointed to the government’s competitive service.

Continue reading President Trump Signs Executive order to protect American Jobs From Misuse of H-1B Visas

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Reader says time to Outsource Coin Collection

file photo Boyd Loving
Reader says time to Outsource Coin Collection 

Outsource to a company that performs this kind of service . ( check the net) They are bonded. Have the Signal Bureau employees go back to the work they were trained for. If we check the amount of man-hours for these people to collect the coins figure their pay pension and medical against what a company would charges us maybe THE BREATH OF FRESH AIR MANAGER could give the council and more importantly the taxpayers the feeling that something is being done.

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Ridgewood plans to outsource some leaf collection work


file photo Boyd Loving

Ridgewood plans to outsource some leaf collection work


“No leaf left behind.”

This is the tongue-in-cheek name Village Manager Roberta Sonenfeld gave a recent employee “leaf summit” that took place last Wednesday, Sept. 3.

The summit, which Sonenfeld orchestrated, brought together about 25 leaf collection employees to discuss ways to improve customer experience and get more leaves off the streets.

“It seems to be 80 percent of the complaints are related to the fact that we leave leaves, hence ‘no leaf left behind,'” Sonenfeld said.

With a new outsourcing plan, “no leaf left behind” is what the village hopes will happen, come leaf collection season in October.

The village has already put out a bid to outsource work in Ridgewood’s leafiest area, to free staff to focus on the other areas, Sonenfeld said.

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