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Parking meter debacle on North Walnut Street


July 14,2015
Boyd A. Loving

Ridgewoood NJ, If you’ve ever received a summons for overtime parking at meter #218 on North Walnut Street alongside the Post Office, this may be your lucky day.

Meter #218 is currently configured to allow 15-minute parking only.  However, the current Village Code stipulates that particular parking spot should be equipped with a meter that permits up to 3-hour parking.

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Section 265-29 of the Village Code specifically designates only two (2) 15-minute (1/4 hour) parking spaces on the East side of North Walnut Street between East Ridgewood and Franklin Avenues.  Meter #218 is the third in a series of three (3) 15-minute (1/4 hour) spaces there.

So, if you received a summons for overtime parking at meter #218, and you were parked for less than 3-hours, your summons may be bogus.  I suggest you visit the Violations Bureau at Village Hall if you think that you might have been bamboozled.

Village Council members are expected to introduce & approve a revision the Village Code authorizing an additional 15-minute parking space alongside the Post Office, but that could take months.  Until then, just remember that any summons issued for overtime parking (for less than 3-hours) at meter #218 may not be legit.