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Changes in Parking Regulations Governing North Walnut Street and Mastin Place in Ridgewood

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photo courtesy of the Ridgewood Police
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Village of Ridgewood has introduced an ordinance to alter parking regulations governing North Walnut Street (Mastin Place to Linwood Avenue) and Mastin Place (Oak Street to North Maple Avenue). This change is in response to resident complaints regarding vehicles parking for extended periods of time, hindering their ability to safely
back from driveways and to utilize the street for temporary parking.

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Firefighters Rescue Passenger Following A Car Crash In Ridgewood

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On January 2, Ridgewood firefighters rescued a passenger from a minivan involved in a crash with a Honda Civic sedan, according to the Daily Voice. Both cars had severe damages and were towed from the crash site at North Walnut Street and Franklin Avenue. The female passenger was then transported to the Valley Hospital to receive treatment for the neck injuries she sustained during the crash.

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Sunday Night Crash in Ridgewood’s Central Business District Sends One to The Valley Hospital

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, one (1) summons was issued in connection with a two (2) vehicle crash at the intersection of Franklin Avenue and North Walnut Street, Ridgewood on Sunday evening, 01/02. Ridgewood firefighters used hydraulic tools to extricate an adult female passenger of a minivan involved in the collision. The victim was transported to The Valley Hospital by Ridgewood EMS. A crash related fluid spill was also attended to by Ridgewood Fire Department. Both vehicles involved in the crash appear to have been totaled and were removed from the scene by a flatbed tow truck. Ridgewood Police Patrol Division handled the crash investigation.

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Ridgewood Central Business District will be converted into a pedestrian mall for Saturdays and Sundays, starting on July 10th and running through September 5th


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, at Wednesday nights Village Council meeting Village Manager Heather Mailander announced that Ridgewood Central Business District will be converted into a pedestrian mall for Saturdays and Sundays only, starting on July 10th and running through September 5th.

Continue reading Ridgewood Central Business District will be converted into a pedestrian mall for Saturdays and Sundays, starting on July 10th and running through September 5th

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Driver escapes late Tuesday evening rollover crash in Ridgewood

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook Page

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, an adult male driver of a Subaru SUV escaped without injury during late Tuesday evening, 09/22, rollover crash at the intersection of Linwood Avenue and North Walnut Street, Ridgewood. There were no other occupants in the vehicle when it slammed into a large shade tree. Ridgewood Police, Ridgewood Fire Department, and Ridgewood EMS responded to the incident. A flatbed tow truck righted and removed the wreck. A Ridgewood Police supervisor at the scene indicated that at least one (1) crash related summons would be issued.

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Ridgewood Motor vehicle crash with injuries at the intersection of North Walnut Street and Robinson Lane

car crash

photo courtesy of Boyd Lovings Facebook page

March 11,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ,A reported motor vehicle crash with injuries at the intersection of North Walnut Street and Robinson Lane, Ridgewood resulted in the dispatch of selected Ridgewood PD, FD, and EMS units on Friday morning, 03/10. The female driver of a grey colored 4-door Infiniti sedan complained of chest pain due to air bag deployment, but refused transport to a local hospital. One (1) vehicle was towed from the scene, the other vehicle (a Honda Civic) was driven away on its own power. Ridgewood PD issued one (1) summons in connection with the crash.

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Ridgewood continues talks on North Walnut Street site



With the prospect of a parking garage on Hudson Street and a vote looming on the fate of multifamily housing in the village, things are heating up downtown as summer comes to an end.

Last Wednesday, the council revived the subject of the North Walnut Street redevelopment zone and the potential future uses for the site, namely the possibility of housing for seniors in need of long-term personal care.

Preliminary negotiations have begun with Kensington Senior Development, which pitched an assisted-living facility for the Town Garage site at a council meeting in March.

One of the goals of redeveloping the North Walnut Street zone is to bring additional parking spaces to Ridgewood’s Central Business District (CBD).

The request for proposal (RFP) put out by the village stated a parking garage built on the site would have to result in a net gain of 100 spaces for village use. That number is beyond the spaces currently available and any spots reserved for the development.

Kensington proposed a 60-foot-high facility with 98 assisted-living units and retail space on the first floor for the 1.1-acre site, along with a parking garage to be built and donated to the village.

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Parking meter debacle on North Walnut Street


July 14,2015
Boyd A. Loving

Ridgewoood NJ, If you’ve ever received a summons for overtime parking at meter #218 on North Walnut Street alongside the Post Office, this may be your lucky day.

Meter #218 is currently configured to allow 15-minute parking only.  However, the current Village Code stipulates that particular parking spot should be equipped with a meter that permits up to 3-hour parking.

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Section 265-29 of the Village Code specifically designates only two (2) 15-minute (1/4 hour) parking spaces on the East side of North Walnut Street between East Ridgewood and Franklin Avenues.  Meter #218 is the third in a series of three (3) 15-minute (1/4 hour) spaces there.

So, if you received a summons for overtime parking at meter #218, and you were parked for less than 3-hours, your summons may be bogus.  I suggest you visit the Violations Bureau at Village Hall if you think that you might have been bamboozled.

Village Council members are expected to introduce & approve a revision the Village Code authorizing an additional 15-minute parking space alongside the Post Office, but that could take months.  Until then, just remember that any summons issued for overtime parking (for less than 3-hours) at meter #218 may not be legit.