September 26,2015
Parkmobile’s website says – “Parkmobile is the payment solution and does not own or manage the area in which you park. As such, we do not determine whether or not parking is free [Note: meaning whether parking at the time you are accessing the Parkmobile app, or initiating a “pay by phone” request, is actually free; e.g., before/after metered hours, Sunday, legal holiday]. In some cases, your local parking authority instructs us to code our system for free parking. Please note that transaction fees charged by Parkmobile are assessed any time you activate or extend a parking session. If you are creating a session and see that the charge only includes your transaction fee, parking may be free.”
This statement begs the Staff of The Ridgewood Blog to ask the following: Has the Village of Ridgewood instructed Parkmobile to “code” their system with the times, days, and dates on which parking in each specific Ridgewood zone is free. For example, if a user accesses the Parkmobile app in any Ridgewood zone on a Sunday, is the Parkmobile transaction charge the only charge that shows up, or is an hourly parking rate posted as well? What about parking at meters after 6:00 PM? And how will the free shopper parking during “Downtown for the Holidays” be handled?
We would appreciate feedback from any Parkmobile users regarding this issue.