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Wildfire On DuPont Site in Pompton Lakes Raise Concerns Over Toxic Air

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photos courtesy of the Borough of Pompton Lakes

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Pompton Lakes NJ, Pompton lakes Fire Department was  on scene at the DuPont Tract with the New Jersey Forest Fire Service making progress on the forest fire, the property in Pompton Lakes considered one of New Jersey’s most polluted.

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Home Explodes in Pompton Lakes Trapping 6 firefighters Inside

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photos courtesy of the Office of Mayor Michael Serra

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Pompton Lakes NJ, early in the day Public Service Electric & Gas has confirmed “a possible explosion” at a home on Ramapo Avenue in Pompton Lakes. “PSE&G responded to the scene and turned off the gas at 3 a.m. at the curb,” said PSE&G spokesperson Rebecca Mazzarella.

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Pompton Lakes officer charged with sexual assault and child pornography offenses

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Pompton Lakes NJ,Passaic County Prosecutor Camelia M. Valdes announces the arrest of Mark Stinnard, 37 years old, from Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. Stinnard is charged with first degree Endangering the Welfare of a Child for manufacturing child pornography, third degree Endangering the Welfare of a Child for engaging in sexual conduct with a child, third degree Endangering the Welfare of a Child for possessing child pornography, and third degree Endangering the Welfare of a Child for causing harm to a child.

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Passaic County Man Charged With Scamming Insurance Benefits

Todd Eckel1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog 

Pompton Lakes NJ,  Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal and the Office of the Insurance Fraud Prosecutor today announced that a Passaic County man has been charged with insurance fraud and related offenses for allegedly receiving $60,000 in insurance benefits to which he was not entitled by submitting forged documents showing medical treatments for illnesses he did not have.

Todd Eckel, 47, of Pompton Lakes, was indicted on charges of second-degree insurance fraud, third-degree theft by deception, third-degree attempted theft by deception, and fourth-degree forgery in connection with four claims he filed with American Heritage Life Insurance Company (“American Heritage”). The indictment was handed up yesterday by a state Grand Jury in Trenton.

Between February 2016 and November 2017 Eckel allegedly submitted forged physician statements in four separate insurance claims to reinforce the false impression that he was treated for a heart attack, Parkinson’s disease, coronary artery disease, and a stroke.

American Heritage, a subsidiary of Allstate, paid Eckel $20,000 for each of the first three claims.

Second-degree crimes carry a sentence of five to 10 years in state prison and a criminal fine of up to $150,000; third-degree crimes carry a sentence of three to five years in state prison and a criminal fine of up to $15,000; fourth-degree crimes carry a sentence of up to eighteen months in state prison and a criminal fine of up to $5,000.
The indictment is merely an accusation and the defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

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Pompton Lakes police officer was killed in Collision With Deer

Pompton Lakes Police department

August 10,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Pompton Lakes NJ, A Pompton Lakes police officer was killed early Wednesday morning in a collision  with a deer and was thrown from his Harley Davidson Motorcycle while driving home from work on a township road.

From the Pompton Lakes Police department , “It is with great sorrow that the Pompton Lakes Police Department announces the untimely passing of Sgt. Peter Kamper. Sgt. Kamper has been employed by the department since 2004. He followed in the footsteps of his father, Peter who was also a Sergeant in Wayne PD. He served as the TAC officer, the head firearms instructor, instructor for the Junior Police Academy, and the departmental IT specialist. He also volunteered his time as a valued member of the Pompton Lakes-Riverdale First Aid Squad. He was a devoted supervisor, husband, son, brother, and uncle. The people of Pompton Lakes will remember him as a dedicated officer, but those who knew him best will remember him as so much more.

He stood 6’6” and might have intimidated someone who was not familiar with him. But after speaking with him for a few minutes, you could see that he was a gentle giant whose heart was as big as his frame. He was the person who you could call in the middle of the night when the computers or radios stopped working. He would be at the police department within minutes and did it because he wanted to make your life easier. He was never concerned with praise or money, but did it out of the kindness of his heart. He was motivated by helping people and doing what he could to ease the burdens of others. Whether he was volunteering at the Special Olympics, the Junior Police Academy, or the holiday toy drive, he was someone that people enjoyed being around. People always tended to gravitate towards him and his personality. His jokes and witty commentary always had you coming back for more.

We are truly devastated and heartbroken. Words cannot begin to describe the grief and pain that we are currently experiencing. Despite the overwhelming sadness that we are feeling, we can’t help but feel a sense of gratitude. Each of us were blessed and privileged to work alongside an exceptional human being. We are better people for having known him and will surely never forget what he has done for each of us. His memory and his spirit will live on inside of us. He will be a part of this department from now until the end of time. Rest easy, Pete. We love you and will never forget you.

Peter is survived by his wife, Christine Kamper, his parents, Wendy, and Peter Kamper and his brother Mike Kamper. We ask that you keep his family in your thoughts and prayers. Funeral arrangements will be posted once they become available.”

Sgt. Peter J. Kamper #164, EOW 8/9/2017