March 27,2016
Dana Glazer
Ridgewood NJ, As a follow up to yesterday’s Valley Hospital video: please read and share p.31 from the American Lung Association’s State of the Air address to better understand the potential respiratory impact on BF students, as well as nearby residents, who will be subjected to such a prolonged construction of Valley Hospital’s expansion.
EPA Concludes Fine Particle Pollution Poses Serious
Health Threats
■■ Causes early death (both short-term and long-term exposure)
■■ Causes cardiovascular harm (e.g. heart attacks, strokes, heart
disease, congestive heart failure)
■■ Likely to cause respiratory harm (e.g. worsened asthma, wors-
ened COPD, inflammation)
■■ May cause cancer
■■ May cause reproductive and developmental harm
—U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Integrated
Matter, December 2009. EPA 600/R-08/139F.
Here is the full document:…/ALA_State_of_the_Air_2015.pdf
Lastly, “The Whispering Woods” public hearings on the Valley Settlement are to take place at the following locations:
· Wednesday, March 30, 2016; 7:30pm; Village Hall courtroom
· Thursday, March 31, 2016; 7:30pm, Student Center Ridgewood High School
· Monday, April 4, 2016; Village Hall Courtroom
· Tuesday, April 5, 2016; Village Hall Courtroom
· Thursday, April 7, 2016; Student Center Ridgewood High School
For more information or how to get involved please email or visit www.