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Ridgewood Petition Shakes the Mayor’s Plans

BCIA petitiion olmc
February 22,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, looks like the Mayor is scared, and running on the defensive. On one hand the Mayors trying to be conciliatory , while calling the petition signers  outright liars and of coarse still trying to back Susan and Mike into a corner of blame and shame.

On Saturday the Mayor was in the Kings lot watching the people go in and out of the Elks Club. On Sunday he was over by the Village Green cafe watching the petitioners and one called out to him to come over and sign a petition and he turned and walked away.  After that, and only after that, the latest email came out. Meanwhile the Ridgewood blog has been assured  the petitioners are all redoubling they’re efforts to get as many signatures as they can.