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Inadequate power and uncertainty about where new power lines would be installed Delay Mahwah’s Much Needed Cell Tower


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ,  according to David May of the Mahwah Cell Tower Task Force , on February 5th the “Administration provided the following update last night at the Council Meeting in regards to the Cell Tower Project: A meeting was held at the Company 3 fire house on Friday January 29th. In attendance were representatives from Orange and Rockland, AT&T, Verizon, TK Wireless, Boswell engineering, the Mayor, the Administrator, the Fire Chief, and members of the Construction Dept.”

Continue reading Inadequate power and uncertainty about where new power lines would be installed Delay Mahwah’s Much Needed Cell Tower

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Burned by Rockland Electric? Now they want to increase your rates

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ramsey NJ, In a letter hand-delivered to the Board of Public Utilities meeting today, Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips blasts Rockland Electric’s request for a rate hike despite their inadequate storm responses and poor customer service record.

“Rockland Electric’s initial reason for the increase is higher customer satisfaction. I believe customers would be more satisfied by simply receiving higher quality service without a rate increase,” wrote DePhillips (R-Bergen).

Continue reading Burned by Rockland Electric? Now they want to increase your rates