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Saddle River Benefit Dinner Raises Over $178K for Childhood Cancer Society, Funding Adventures for Families


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Saddle River NJ, the Childhood Cancer Society’s annual benefit dinner, hosted by Saddle River Mayor Albert Kurpis and his wife Judy, raised a remarkable $178,596 to support families impacted by pediatric cancer. Held on October 24 at Ridgewood Country Club, the event also celebrated the launch of the Adventure Ted Challenge, a fundraising initiative to boost the charity’s Wish Grant Budget and provide uplifting adventures for children and their families.

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Classical music buffs from Bergen County undertook an extraordinary task to bring to America the lost masterpiece of Prince Poniatowski, Gala Concert of the “Mass in F”

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June 8,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
New York NY, Last night in New York we had a taste of the finest example of European History, Politics and Music. Classical music buffs from Bergen County undertook an extraordinary task to bring to America the lost masterpiece of Prince Poniatowski. Gala Concert of the “Mass in F” composed by Prince Joseph Poniatowski, cousin of the last king of Poland Stanislaw August Poniatowski (1732-1798), son of Stanislaw Poniatowski and Cassandra Luci. The Polish Prince was well known in Italy and France as a composer of the romantic generation, six years younger than Fryderyk Chopin and three years younger than Giuseppe Verdi.

A few years ago, truly sensational information started to circulate among the musicians in London about a discovery at the British Museum. That discovery had to do with an unknown score composed by Prince Joseph Poniatowski. The world premier took place at Westminster Cathedral Hall in London in June 2015. Last night in New York dozen of dignitaries and hundreds of their guest had unique privilege and honor to witness an American premier of the “Mass in F”, under the patronage of His Excellency Ambassador Of the Republic Of Poland Mr. Piotr Wilczek in the beautiful settings of St. Bart’s Church, located at 235 Park Avenue in Manhattan.
Among invited guests was Lady Blanka A. Rosenthiel, Honorary Consul to the Republic of Poland, wife of late Kentucky Seagram’s 7 Whisky Magnate Lewis Solon Rosenthiel, Mr. Maciej Golubiewski, Consul General of the Republic Of Poland in New York, Ian Brzezinski, the son of late Zbigniew Brzezinski, Witold Mroziewski, Bishop of Brooklyn, Joseph Bambera, Bishop of Scranton, Archbishop Bernardino Auza, Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations.Since the main organizer Mr. Robert Niziol is from Upper Saddle River and since one of the partners and sponsors of the event Mr. Derek Michalski, an Accredited Investment Fiduciary®and a local LPL Financial Wealth Manager is also a long time resident of Upper Saddle River many honorable guest representing zip code 07458 were on the guest list at this historic event. Derek’s fiancé Ms. Margaret Chudziak was among them. The Honorable Saddle River Mayor Albert Kurpis and his wife Judy Kurpis, Rev. Fr., JC Merino representing Church of the Presentation and many others were also invited to the VIP Reception after the concert where they commingled with the dignitaries and had opportunity to congratulate the soloists, the music conductor, members of the choir and the fantastic members of the Spectrum Symphony of New York. One member of the choir happened to be also a member of our Church of the Presentation’s choir. The list of the personal connections, discussions and photo opportunities between Upper and Saddle River Valley residents and the New York performers went on until early morning hours on Friday. Plans were made to introduce the idea of bringing this extraordinary concert “Mass in F” to parishes in NJ starting of course with the Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River and St. Gabriel the Archangel in Saddle River. Like Derek Michalski said: “If we can stop Toll Brothers and prevent the destruction of our local streams and Saddle River aquifer we can definitely pray for divine intervention to bring Spectrum Symphony Of New York and the famous now “Mass in F” by Prince Poniatowski to the Saddle River zip code. And to make it even more interested it should be noted that Saddle River Valley was discovered by none other than famous Albert Zabrieskie”. Yes, another Pole! More about this famous local Polish emigrant and more about last night great musicians and their biographies at


Pictured Derek Michalski and Mayor Albert Kurpis

Pictured Margaret Chudziak and Derek Michalski