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Senator Corrado, Assemblyman Rooney, and Assemblyman DePhillips Call Murphy’s moves to crack down on worker abuse All Talk

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Ridgewood NJ, Senator Kristin Corrado, Assemblyman Kevin Rooney, and Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips issued the following joint statement calling on Governor Phil Murphy to end the all-too-common illegal abuse of workers in the construction industry.

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Drivers Licenses of Illegals ‘No Brainer ” for Terrorists

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

NJ driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants. Democrat Governor Phil Murphy, is a staunch supporter of the idea, so staunch that the Governor used September 11th to promote this idea,The unapologetic liberal governor wants a stalled bill legalizing licenses for potentially 460,000 undocumented immigrants on his desk for his signature as soon as possible. “It’s a no-brainer,” Murphy told a crowd inside Temple Ner Tamid in Bloomfield recently , “I’m frustrated that it’s not on my desk. I encourage you to call your Assembly person, your senator, and ask him why it is stuck and not on the governor’s desk, because I will sign it.”

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Lawmaker Calls Taxpayer-Funded Benefits for Illegal Immigrants Outrageous

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Sparta NJ, College students without legal status are receiving nearly $4 million in student aid to attend two-year and four-year schools, according to 2019 data released by the Higher Education Student Assistance Authority.

Assemblyman Hal Wirths said that is outrageous, and taxpayers should be wholly benefitting from the fruits of their own labor.

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Governor Murphy and AG Grewal asked to “come to Sussex” to explain how Murphy came up with Sanctuary directive


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, Parker Space and Hal Wirths (R-Sussex, Warren, Morris) today followed up on their invitation to Attorney General Gurbir Grewal to come before a public meeting of Sussex County taxpayers to explain the process behind the Murphy administration’s Sanctuary State directive. The directive, which is highly controversial, formed a major part of then-gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy’s political campaign in 2017.  The political rhetoric from that campaign became a law enforcement directive after Murphy assumed office the following year.

“We want to know if this directive is about law enforcement or about politics,” Space said.  “We want to know what the thinking was behind it and who was involved.”

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Old Bridge Councilman Razzoli: Enforcing Federal Laws is a Duty, Not a Choice


By Mark Razzoli

When the governor and state legislature think they are arbiters of constitutional analysis, there is an intrinsic problem. There is nothing that has been debated since the Civil War that allows for the cherry picking of which federal laws to enforce, and which to opt out of because they don’t happen to agree with our current agendas.

When New Jersey’s Attorney General calls for sheriffs across our state to ignore federal immigration laws, and when the Governor and his soldiers rally behind him, it once again validates that New Jersey is on a slippery slope toward political anarchy.

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Reader says ,” If the governor and attorney general in NJ do not respect the federal law and actually strongly speak against it then we have a lawless state”

Phil Murphy

“We are headed towards disaster as a state and maybe as a country too. If the governor and attorney general in NJ do not respect the federal law and actually strongly speak against it then we have a lawless state. If I personally broke a law I would be arrested and taken to court. Why are these 2 individuals above the law and nobody says anything about them? As per voting them into office I do not understand who voted for them. Local FB pages show an average of 80-90% of posters speaking against them. Who voted for them??? Maybe it was just the large cities where the bulk of people live?!”