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25 Junior High and High School Teens along with 5 adults, Volunteer at Juniper Village in Paramus

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photos courtesy of Natalile Cesario (DeCandia)
Paramus NJ, organized through Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Ridgewood last week 25 junior high and high school teens along with 5 adults, spent some time volunteering at Juniper Village. For two hours each day last week, our young people spent time with the senior citizens.

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Ridgewood needs to progress with the times


Ridgewood needs to progress with the times

Friday, February 7, 2014
The Ridgewood News

Ridgewood needs to progress with time
by Edward Martin Walker

The following letter was also sent to the Ridgewood Planning Board.

To the editor:

Opinions on housing density are stuck in an either/or duality that lacks a vision for sustaining our quality of village life. We need a realistic growth vision from village leaders and a perspective shift by opponents in order to sustain the very things we all value so dearly. Ridgewood cannot “just stay the same.” Time waits for no one.

Our Planning Board should alter the Master Plan to foster equal living opportunities to both our elders and to our children, starting by limiting all higher density residential building to a 55-and-over demographic. The reasons for doing this are economic, ethical and moral.

Economic reasons: The single greatest future threat to any family’s life in Ridgewood is that it will be unaffordable to grown children and for retirement. This threat lessens by shifting the ratio of taxpayers to tax consumers (school-age children) in the direction of reduced individual tax burdens, while increasing business activities through economic growth. The only way to do this without burdening our schools is by limiting higher density residential to a 55-and-over demographic. We must also promote assisted-living facilities in the CBD, which will increase revenues with minimal utilization of town services, while increasing business spending by those providing goods and services. In addition, our master plan must create ways for older residents to age in place by sharing residences, or renting to other adults. Finally, in-law apartments and other ways to keep families together must be part of a wider vision for Ridgewood to sustain itself as a multi-age family community versus becoming simply a commodity primarily servicing school-age children and the enhancement of property values so as to facilitate relocation elsewhere once children graduate from high school. Anyone unaware of this dilemma is simply not paying attention.

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