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Orpheus Club Men’s Chorus Starts Rehearsals on 1/18/2023

OCMC Dec 2022 0

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, What are you doing Wednesday night January 18th from 8-10pm? Do you like to sing, even just in the shower, or do you know a gentleman who does? Come to The Unitarian Society of Ridgewood (113 Cottage Place) and give The Orpheus Club Men’s Chorus a try. Music for every taste from Mozart to Motown. For more information: .

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Orpheus Club Men’s Chorus to Resume Rehearsals Starting September 8

OCMC Group Spring 2019 scaled

John J. Palatucci, music director

Ridgewood NJ, ” We’re putting the band back together!” was one of the famous lines from the iconic Blues Brothers movie musical. Well, we’re putting the CHORUS back together! The ORPHEUS CLUB MEN’S CHORUS is planning to resume in-person rehearsals starting at 8 p.m. on Wednesday evening, September 8.

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Orpheus Club Welcomes Male Singers at Weekly Rehearsals

OCMC Group Spring 2019

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Orpheus Club Men’s Chorus, New Jersey’s pre-eminent men’s chorus, welcomes all men who love singing to join us.

All voice types (tenor, baritone or bass) are invited to our first weekly Wednesday rehearsal on September 11, 2019, from 8-10 p.m. at Care One at the Cupola, 100 W. Ridgewood Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652 (Georgia Room). Our music ranges from Bach to rock.

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Teens & Broadway Stars Sing for Covenant House



Teens & Broadway Stars Sing for Covenant House

Support Covenant House for Homeless Teens Teens and Broadway Stars Sing for Homeless Kids– March 24 Local Voice Teacher Prepares Covenant House Youth to Perform in Ridgewood, NJ On March 24, a very exciting musical event – A Night of FUTURE Broadway Stars – will be bursting out of the windows of Ben Franklin Middle School in Ridgewood beginning at 7:00 pm.

Shining stars from high schools around Bergen County will be performing show stopping tunes alongside Broadway Stars John Treacy Egan (The Producers, Nice Work), Sally Ann Skoric (Jekyll and Hyde, Victor Victoria), Richard Todd Adams, (Phantom, Les Miserables) and David Elder (Curtains, 42nd Street) to benefit Covenant House New Jersey. “One of my favorite days of the year is the day I go down to Covenant House in Newark and meet the young person who will be singing at our show with my students,” says Susan McBrayer. “Wait until everyone hears David. He is so talented, and such a joy!” Students from Stage Right, Art of Motion, McBrayer Vocal Studio, and Ridgewood High School will also be there sharing their talents and their passions to help homeless youth. “This will be my 5th year to perform at A Night of FUTURE Broadway Stars and I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” exclaimed Sally Ann Skoric, a Broadway performer and Ridgewood mother. “My students at Art of Motion are busy rehearsing their big number! And I heard today that Hollywood Anderson, a beautiful Covenant House youth who made it all the way to Hollywood this year on American Idol will be with us too! How fun is that going to be?” Several young men and women from Covenant House will share their inspirational stories and be singing in the finale. “Each of our homeless kids comes to us with their own story, and we don’t turn any away. We are so grateful to all of these performers – close to 100 Bergen County students – and volunteers who are making it possible for us to keep our doors open for the young people who need us”, says Marcia Mann,

Development Director for Covenant House New Jersey. Covenant House New Jersey serves homeless young men and women between the ages of 18 and 21 at crisis centers and transitional housing in Newark, Montclair, Elizabeth, and Atlantic City. A Night of FUTURE Broadway Stars, March 24, 7:00 pm at Ben Franklin Middle School in Ridgewood, NJ. Tickets are $25, $20 for Students and Seniors, and can purchased on-line at, and at the door. For more information, contact Marcia Mann at