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Murrells Inlet: A Place to Experience Nature at its Best

beautiful shot boats water with buildings mountains distance 1 scaled

About 13 miles from Myrtle Beach in South Carolina, Murrells Inlet is a haven of stunning wildlife and rich natural beauty. It has quickly become one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in recent years. Murrells Inlet is known for its cultural history and fishing villages. This vibrant haven is a backdrop of stunning natural beauty. With tourist spots a-plenty, Murrells Inlet offers something to every age group.

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The overwhelming majority of immigration to the United States is the result of our visa policies. Each year, millions of visas are issued to temporary workers, foreign students, refugees, asylees, and permanent immigrants for admission into the United States. The lion’s share of these visas are for lesser-skilled and lower-paid workers and their dependents who, because they are here on work-authorized visas, are added directly to the same labor pool occupied by current unemployed jobseekers. Expressly because they arrive on legal immigrant visas, most will be able to draw a wide range of taxpayer-funded benefits, and corporations will be allowed to directly substitute these workers for Americans. Improved border security would have no effect on the continued arrival of these foreign workers, refugees, and permanent immigrants—because they are all invited here by the federal government.

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Democrats use Confederate flag flap in South Carolina to solicit donations


Somethings never change

By Victor Morton – The Washington Times – Monday, June 22, 2015

National Democrats tried Monday evening to raise funds off the South Carolina Confederate flag flap.

In a blast email sent after 7 p.m. Monday, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said the issue of the Confederate flag, which zoomed to the front of national consciousness after a white supremacist was charged with nine counts of murder after a shooting at a historic black church in Charleston, was “not over yet.”

The email says Gov. Nikki Haley’s announcement is not legislation and asked recipients to answer the question, “Should South Carolina take down the Confederate flag from its state Capitol?”

It reads, “41,338 people have recorded their answer — but we still haven’t heard from you,” it asks the subscriber by name.

A person cannot answer the survey question at the DCCC site without putting in an email address, which gives the DCCC the ability to solicit contributions.

Once the person answers the question and provides an address, the page reads, “Thanks for taking the instant poll today! Now take the next step: Donate $3 or more to support Democrats, and we’ll send you this free ‘Yes. I Voted Obama’ sticker in the mail!”

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No, Dylann Roof Didn’t Arm Himself Through a ‘Legal Loophole’


The absence of yet another law that somebody could have ignored just means that you have one legal violation instead of two.

J.D. Tuccille|Jun. 19, 2015 12:55 pm

For the record, when an act is illegal, but somebody does it anyway, the absence of yet anotherlaw that the somebody could have ignored is not a “legal loophole”—it just means that you have one legal violation instead of two. Yet Jeff Guo argues over at the Washington Post that (allegedly) murderous apartheid nostalgic Dylann Roof was able to arm himself to wreak havoc because of a “legal loophole” that allowed him access to a firearm. Writes Guo:

Federal law prohibits people with pending felony charges from obtaining firearms. In February, Roof was arrested and later charged with felony possession of Suboxone, a narcotic prescription drug. He was released, and  the case is pending.

Because of his criminal record, Roof would not have been able to buy a gun from a store. Federally licensed gun dealers are required to run background checks on gun purchasers, and Roof’s pending charges should have turned up as a red flag.

But Roof didn’t need to go to a dealership. According to his uncle, Roof received a .45-caliber pistol from his father in April for his birthday, Reuters reports.

South Carolina is one of 40 states that do not require background checks for private gun transactions, like the one that allegedly took place between Roof and his father. Gun control activists call this the “private sale” loophole.

It’s illegal to give guns to felons or people with felony indictments — but that’s only if you know about their criminal records. In South Carolina, you don’t have to ask, so private citizens can more or less freely exchange guns.

Leave aside the fact that it’s not yet known if the gifted gun was the one used in the killing. Is Guo arguing here that Roof’s father, who it seems was willing to commit a crime by illegally giving a gun to his son against whom felony charges were pending, would have been brought up short by a requirement that he run the transfer through a dealer who would have then told Roof’s old man (assuming the system’s data was up to date) what he already knew? And that this would have prevented the transfer of the gun?

Apparently so.