Why are road, bridge and transit projects so expensive in NJ? Lawmaker wants answers
Why do roads, bridges and transit projects cost so much to build in New Jersey?
State Senator Michael Doherty, R-Warren, has proposed a bill to try and answer that question and recommend ways to cut those costs.
His bill to form a State Transportation Analysis Task Force will attempt to answer findings in a recent Reason Foundation report, which said New Jersey spent $2 million a mile for road bridge and transit construction. The foundation ranked the state 48th in overall performance and cost effectiveness.
A task force is proposed as lawmakers are wrestling with finding revenue to finance major road, bridge and transit projects through the state’s Transportation Trust Fund. On July 1, all revenues raised through the state gas tax and other related taxes will be consumed by debt payments, leaving no money for construction.
In an opinion article that Doherty wrote on NJ.com, he said the state needs “our own analysis of the factors that drive New Jersey’s road costs and a look at other states to determine how they are able to operate more efficiently.”